Monday, September 14, 2009

Wanted: A BIG Chicken Coop

On our recent trip to visit our son and daughter-in-law we stopped off at a farmer's market just outside Leesburg, Virginia. We bought a melon that was absolutely delicious with our breakfast the next morning. The whole time I was there I felt like I was being watched. I was. When I saw who was watching me I remembered Junie had posted a few weeks ago about a certain big guy she ran into on the streets of Athens, Alabama. There I was in Virginia and another giant poultry guy was making an appearance.
He stood straight as a sentry over at the edge of the adjoining fields almost daring anyone to get too close. My long camera lens kept me at a safe distance. We should be diligent my friends in observing the numbers of these poultry giants and where they're showing up.
I mean look at that sharp beak! Do we want to look out across the landscape and see masses of these giant domestic birds running toward us? I think not. So be careful friends and be on the lookout for beady eyed giant fowl. Oh, and keep those secret receipes handy. A giant barbecue just might be in the forecast!

For more Ruby Tuesday click here.


Hootin Anni said...

That is just so cool!!! Or should I say 'coo ca coo ca co-o-o-o-l'?

My Ruby Tuesday is up...this week, "Sweet William" --scroll down below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails section.

Rose said...

Haha--I collect roosters. You should have brought him to me!

Leora said...

If I saw him, I'd run away. He looks like he owns the place.

Great piece of art, that thing is. Love the grungy yellows and reds.

Neal said...

Every time I see a rooster it takes me back to my childhood because I would catch the old rooster crowing in the morning and get my BB gun and take aim. The next time he started his crow I'd shoot him. :) You know what, you get some funny endings when they are crowing and get shot. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

But he's so cute, Carletta!

Jim said...

Hi Carletta, was he for sale? He is a very neat bird. Of course not a giant barbecue, this old guy would be tough.
Happy RT! Thank you for peeking in on my RED stuff. :-)

Patti said...

Hi Carletta,
Um,,...friend you've got there.


Bye now

Anonymous said...

Lol. That is just funny. You are always so clever :) happy RT

Pat said...

Love the chicken! We actually lived in Leesburg, VA 22 years ago!We lived in a subdivision behind the Giant grocery store on Leesburg Pike. What a coincidence. It's a beautiful area there. One of my best friends still lives there.

Janice Thomson said...

Love the post Carletta - and your sense of humor :)

JunieRose2005 said...

LOL - Carletta,

How funny that you found one of these guys too! Would have been really cool if we had found them at the same time and each posted them on Ruby Tuesday the same day!

Your guy looks a bit more fierce than the one I met, though! His colors are nice! I need to get my husband to make me one of these!


JunieRose2005 said...

OH my goodness!

I just checked back and looked at my rooster and compared him to yours! They are very much the same, aren't they!

Ha!! Maybe they are brothers!


Janie B said...

What a crazy, cool bird! Why didn't you try to buy him? Just think of him on your front porch. Ha! By the way... I have an award for you on my blog. Come get it!

Martha said...

He is very cool! Great post!


ellen b said...

This is some fun ruby for us today Carletta. I saw some of these types of yard art at the flea market this weekend and was really tempted to start a little collection for my yard :0)

judi/Gmj said...

fun clucks and yucks. :)

Carolyn Ford said...

Oh! He is too cool! He puts my poor little rooster to shame! Great fun with a really super post! Enjoy!

amanda said...

What a great piece, ver rustic and country looking Carletta, great pick for this week!

Anonymous said...

What an impressive guy, even in wood!

Carletta said...

Actually this guy is made out of metal.

Annie Jeffries said...

What an absolute hoot, Carletta. I just flat out love this.

Auntie E said...

LOL. funny post. I really like yard art. My goal is to have some great pieces like that in my yard. Happy RT

Mar said...

I love that huge bird!!!

life's journey said...

It is a cool shot! happy RT! mine is up too.

Mimi said...

He's lovely, looks more like wood than metal.
I 'll be putting a similar but different fellow up next week for RT if you'd like to visit me.

bj said...

NOW...this is ONE BIG ROOSTER!! How cute he is, tho.!!

storyteller said...

I love this rooster and the way you've photographed it from various perspectives! Wonderful find ;--)
As for the Open this year ... it certainly DID have some odd twists and turns along the way with several HUGE upsets right from the start. I look forward to seeing what Melanie Oudin does in the future.
Hugs and blessings,

Dimple said...

He does look menacing, with those beady eyes!

kayerj said...

that's a great shot.

Ingrid said...

No wonder that you kept your distance, he has a vicious look !

Regina said...

Cool and great shots!

Raven said...

Oh Lord, no! Not a poultry giant epedemic! Terrorists and giant poultry! What is this world coming to! You always find the coolest things to photograph... and then you photograph them with such a great eye.

quilly said...

Oh dear! That explains the size of the chicken wings I just bought. I knew force feeding steroids to the animals was going to get out of hand!

George said...

What a neat post! If these things become too numerous I'm going to have to get a bigger grill!

Dianne said...

I love him!!

Melli said...

OUCH! I think I got a piece of metal stuck in my teeth! (rubs cheek) He's ADORABLE!

Janet, said...

I like that rooster! Looks like you could get on him and ride.

Susan at Stony River said...

He's gorgeous! And huuuge; is that a wooden pallet he's standing on?

Someone's got a lot of talent...and had a lot of spare metal LOL

Felisol said...

I guess this rusty old cock has more charm than actually guts, even though he's of considerable size.

Visiting my grandmother's farm in our early childhood, my brother two years is a row tried to pat the proud cock among twenty hens, and got a pic in his head in return for his love of all animals.
The following Sunday we had cock for dinner.
I could never believe my brother's foolishness, but he only was three and four when it happened...
From Felisol

Ralph said...

He looks to be a mean protector of the coop. well, not that mean. Actually more cartoonish anyway. The angry look is merely an act...

Jientje said...

I would say, what a nice find, but a guy his size is kind of hard to overlook, no? LOL!

maryt/theteach said...

Very funny, Carletta! Great photos! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

That's cute, Carletta.
I would adopt one for the farm. Seems that may be the only way I'm gonna get any chickens. tee hee