Sunday, September 20, 2009

There's A Dragon In The Garden

(Be sure to enlarge to see his hairy legs.)

I had arrived home and had my camera handy when this dragonfly landed on a lily branch. I got two very quick shots before it was gone. You might ask why those lily branches are chopped as such. They were actually bitten off by a little fawn that Hubs caught in the act one day. This is the first year it's happened; but it's the first year we've had so many fawns on the property. Young little nibblers they are for sure and they aren't afraid to come all the way up to the house. All I can say is that it was a perfect landing spot for the dragonfly.

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quilly said...

Wonderful capture. I spent a couple of days chasing dragonflies to no avail. I am jealous!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I can't get a good dragon shot either. *sniff*sniff*
Wish the deer would come closer to our house. Well, I think they do, but only at night.

Michele said...

Ah, this is such a terrific little landing spot for a beautiful creature.

You were very fortunate to get such an amazing shot... it is beautiful.
The shots I have on my blog are so minimal to this one, this is indeed a spectacular photo!


rapunzel said...

Wonderful shot!! I saw some dragons at the soccer game yesterday, but had no chance of getting such a lovely shot. Not only were they too fast and had no place to land, I was taping the game. :)

Ingrid said...

How nice that you just had your camera ready ! it's such a nice shot !

Pat said...

Awesome shot of the elusive dragonfly.

I'm just glad I don't have a photo of myself that you can enlarge to see MY hairy legs! LOL!

Dimple said...

That's a neat shot-I'm rarely fast enough for such captures.
You're fortunate to have lilies left; the deer around my house eat them right down to the ground! They don't like daylilies so much, but the others are dead meat, so to speak.

Melli said...

Oh I am so jealous! I've been chasin' those critters around all summer trying to capture one! I haven't even gotten CLOSE! That is just fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I love the look of those wings. Well done my friend :)

Carver said...

Wonderful shot of the dragonfly!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot. You must have moved quickly to cacth the dragonfly!

Raven said...

What a wonderful shot. Amazing how delicate the wings on that "dragon" are... naughty fawns nibbling the garden, though.

Janice Thomson said...

Awesome macro - love that title!

Unknown said...

He's quite pretty! They can be so hard to catch1 You did good!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: That is so neat, I had two in my Buckeye Tree last week.

Rose said...

Great capture, Carletta. I think I would put up with the nibbling if I got to see the fawns in my yard!

George said...

This is a wonderful picture of the dragonfly. I really like the detail visible when it's enlarged. We've had more problems with young deer this year than we've ever had as well.

becky aka theRAV said...

Dragonflies are so very hard to capture but you did great!