Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mellow Yellow: Unfurling Gazania Daisy

These are plants I bought and potted last week. I love the color and the way the leaves are unfurling. The plants were thriving sitting on the lot of the nursery in the hot daytime sun without much water so I'm thinking I should be able to keep them alive without much effort. I'll keep you posted. ;)
I intend to mellow out on my deck today and hope you all are finding good ways to have your own Mellow (Yellow) Monday!

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Nessa said...

They are really different looking. What are they called? I like flowers that I can't hurt and if they are perennials, all the better.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

what a unique looking flower. so pretty!

Anonymous said...

That's a daisy? It is so different than anything I've ever seen. It's wonderful and unique. Thanks for sharing :)

Kerri Farley said...


quilly said...

What a stunning flower!

Nikki Dee said...

Gorgeous! A wonderful entry for Mellow Yellow!

Mine is here

EG CameraGirl said...

Very pretty flowers!

Leora said...

If I saw a Gazania at a local plant nursery, I would certainly buy one! Great shot of a great flower.

DeniseinVA said...

Incredible flower, love your photo of it.

Sally in WA said...

That is a very unique daisy. I love it!

Pyzahn said...

Let the unfurling begin. Sadly the rabbits ate my gazanias.

Anonymous said...

Now, I've never seen a daisy like those before - The leaves unfurling are so neat! That's an awesome shot of them, too!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a gorgeous and unusual (for me anyway) flower. Sunflower family? Daisy? A sort of mum? I'm clueless. Very pretty and sunny.

Fadil Wimala said...

wow, that's very beautiful flower!
never seen it before!

Gattina said...

Now that's really strange ! Quilly send me here because you have the same flower as I published today, only I didn't know what it was because they grew wild in Morocco. Do you think it's the same flower ?

Tom said...

You captured this to perfection Carletta....

My blogs today show Hill Views and Raindrops

Carol said...

That's a beautiful yellow flower...I'm not familiar with it...but if it's easy to thrive , it's my kind of flower.

JunieRose2005 said...

Very pretty yellow!!

I have some yellows up too!


Pat said...

Daisies are right up there as some of my favorite flowers. I've never seen this kind before. I love how pointy the petals are! This is a gorgeous photo!

Raven said...

What a cool flower. Like a little sunburst! I'm sure it will thrive under your care and we'll all get to see lots of great new photos as a result.

Happily Retired Gal said...

These blossoms are lovely and they do well in my garden ... generally thriving on neglect ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Rose said...

Oh, Carletta, this is beautiful!

Unknown said...

What cheerful looking daisies ... very pretty !!

Ingrid said...

In my comments two people also thought my morocco flower was a Gazania, but one was not so sure. Now I looked it up here and it is a Gazania but another kind which grows in Africa !
Now we are both more intelligent, lol !

Neal said...

That is a really beautiful flower.

Amber Star said...

Don't you just love those beautiful gazinias! I have some and really love the color. Mine came back this spring, but then we have a tropical hibiscus that is coming back....that's weird.

quilly said...

Carletta -- you've been tagged! You are under no obligation to play, but I thought you might like this game.

MyMaracas said...

Beautifully done close-up, and a glorious flower.

Craver Vii said...

You know why they call it that, right? It's cause that's the flower that gazinya flower garden. Hey, thanks for visiting. I have hardly been visiting my friends lately, but I missed you. Pray for me; I'm still very, very busy.