Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Idioms: A Photo Challenge

Jientje at Heaven is in Belgium started a new meme a few weeks back while I was away from blogland. The idea is to choose an idiom and illustrate it with a picture. She covers two letters of the alphabet a week. This week the letters are M and N.
Muddy The Water make confusing or make something less clear....
Neck of the Woods talk about where one lives....


Anonymous said...

Great idioms Carletta and the pictures are just wonderful. Excellent job :)

quilly said...

Love those pics. Have I mentioned how good it is to have you back? I missed your nature shots.

Your muddy water is some muddy, and your neck of the woods is down right purdy! (Sorry, when you read my blog you'll understand the accent.)

Melli said...

Ahhhhhhh yes! I've MISSED your back yard! (even though I have one of my own!) Yours always looks better! Beautiful photos, and great choice of idioms!

Ingrid said...

Nice findings ! I am back from Morocco since a week and freezing !

Carleen said...

It looks much nicer in your neck of the woods than it does in mine! :)

MaR said...

Wonderful, peaceful shots and great idioms!

Nessa said...

You picked good ones, too. Everybody's doing different ones. How did we all manage that.

Jientje said...

You did great!! I'm having so much FUN visiting everyone! I did a "muddy water" too, ( great minds think alike huh?) and I loved neck of the woods too, lovely pictures!

RA said...

Beautiful shots to go along with your idioms! Your neck in the woods is something I am really looking forward to. I think you live in a wonderful area. Have a great day, Carletta :)

Janice Thomson said...

These are neat and I love this idea. Well done Carletta.

George said...

You got great photos to illustrate these two idioms. This sounds like a neat meme.