Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Watery Wednesday: River In Fog

***(The Alphabet Photo Challenge Is Below This)***
Raindrops kiss bare branches
Fog enshrouds the muddy river below
If but for an instance the scene soothes my soul
Then life beckons and I must move on.

For more Watery Wednesday posts click the badge..........>


Anonymous said...

Amazing. I almost couldn't tell that was a reflection I was actually looking at in the water. Nice shot. :-)

DeniseinVA said...

I thought that was a sky photo at first and then I realized it was the water. Great photo Carletta, it's a beauty.

Guy D said...

Wow, what an incredible photo.

Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome shot! How far down is the river from where you're standing? Or should I say, how high up are you?

kden said...

Yea, it looks like you are standing high up on a cliff. Great shot.

George said...

What a wonderful picture. The poem fits wonderfully.

Unknown said...

Isn't life like that: moments, interrupted by the necessity of continuing on to the next spot. That white spot in the sky almost looks ghoulish, but a friendly one, or winter on the run, or both.

Anonymous said...

There's something very soothing about fog and mist. I suppose it's because it softens all the edges.

Raven said...

Lovely words and photo! I enjoyed your "alphabet" shots below too. I've been chicken to try that challenge.

Ingrid said...

This picture looks very romantic to me !!

Robin said...

What a beautiful, peaceful scene. It has such a feeling of stillness.


What a melankoly and beautiful picture! And the poem fits it perfectly!

EG CameraGirl said...

This is magical, Carletta. I LOVE it. ;-)

Mojo said...

What a cool angle! Took me a second to figure out what I was seeing too.

Neal said...

That's a neat picture, especially when enlarged.

Anonymous said...

I love a scene like this - the way you've captured it almost defies spatial interpretation, it's a bewautiful abstraction of details!

Anonymous said...

Super shot.

Anonymous said...

I missed seeing the water until I saw the comments! It looked like mist to me - lovely photo and nice and calming

Mamapippa ... said...

No other words then: beautiful !

Connie T. said...

Optical illusion, it looks like fog, but it is a river.

Mary said...

I love foggy shots! Very beautiful.