***(The Alphabet Photo Challenge Is Below This)***

I know it's frozen water again this week but I really wanted to share this scene. This is the Little Kanawha River here in Parkersburg. I had to ask myself if it was really this cold. The river flows to a bend in the river and then there is an older bridge with piers in the water. When the river began thawing it got backed up at the bridge and kept backing up. This picture was taken Sunday afternoon and the temperatures haven't gone above freezing since so it is taking a little while to melt. Our local TV station reports that the river will most likely rise at least six feet as the ice melts. Flood stage is at ten feet.

This reminds me of the scene from Superman when he goes 'home.'

I don't think there will be any fillups anytime soon!

For those of you who need to see the water - a neighbor's roadway beginning to thaw. If you enlarge it you can see the little ripples of rolling water.

Even the ducks at the park are sitting and waiting patiently for the thaw.
For more Watery Wednesday participants be sure to click on the badge at the top of my post.
I love the second shot the best....
Gill in Canada
Wonderful images of the chunks of ice. I guess that would be pack ice, on a small scale.
Thanks for sharing!
Cool. That ice does remind me of Superman and ducks... they'll swim in any water no matter how shallow won't they?
Very nice picture. Brings back memories orf spring thaw in Crystal Falls.
Hmmm...it really looks like cold. Even if just seeing the photo makes me shiver. I really do hope it was that crunchy. :)
Wonderful pictures. I certainly hope the river stays below flood stage -- that's always a problem with ice jams. Stay dry.
We're all waiting for the thaw - well, those in the north anyway. Nice crunchy shots!
Those shots are so fascinating. I would love to see something like that in person. Thanks for the glimpse into your area.
I like the ice pictures....but I bet you're ready for it to be over!! :)
I hope there are no floods in your future!
It's always an issue of when the big spring thaw comes, and how much ice and snow is on the ground, and if lots of spring rains fall on it ... that's when you get the big spring floods. Sounds like with the snow pack that will be something to watch this spring ...
jWow! that's a whole lotta freezing going on there.
It's been a loooong while since I've seen anything like that.
Brrrrr, makes me cold just looking at it.
Wow that's a heap of ice that has to melt. Super photos Carletta.
Wow...that is really a swollen frozen river! I hated to show more frozen water and am waiting for thawing to get back into this meme. In reference to a comment you left me: Yes, I did know the Bonanza theme song had words and used to be able to sing them! I also own the Bonanza Christmas record! It has the most gorgeous photo of them in front of their fireplace! I may never get rid of it. Maybe I'll post it for the next Ruby Tuesday...a bit off season, I guess.
That photo does look like the Fortress of Solitude. Lovely set of WW photos.
These photos are wonderful! I can't imagine being a duck swimming in that cold water...but I guess they are designed for it. Thanks for sharing!
Wow chunks of ice. It does remind me of that Superman movie. Nice pictures.
My, that sure looks cold...
Talking about it being a little flat up here for a mountain girl...Carletta, it took me years and years to feel any satisfaction at all up here. I was always longing for home.
And for the longest time, I would cry when I got in sight of home...and 'my' beautiful mountains. I really don't know if anyone besides us mountain people feel that connection with the land.
Wow, Carletta, those shots of the ice chunks in that river are amazing -- and quite sobering. I hope the thaw is not too rapid, so that the risk for flooding will be minimized.
All wonderful photos of the frozen river, Carletta.
Thanks for sharing!
I love frozen water pics. thanks for sharing!
Wonderful patterns creted by that frozen snow/ice.
Even though I am from California, I think I know what you mean when you say crunchy. I experienced hearing a crunching sound when I stepped on snow (or is it ice) on a day trip to Lake Tahoe.
That looks beautiful but cold ! brrrrr !
A interesting and beautiful series of pictures. I love the closup of the ice, and the beautiful shot of the duck! Your pictures bring hope of spring altso in my corner of the world! Thanks for sharing!
I don't think I've ever seen frozen ice like that.
Great shots!
Love that lonely duckling :)
Great shots!! I hope it doesn't flood!!
It always amazes me when I see a bird swimming around in that coooolllllddd water! Very nice pictures Carletta.
Carletta: Lovely captures of the frozen river.
Unbelievable for someone in Ga and altho I'd like a little snow I don't want to have to deal with all that. Nice pictures!
I was thinking "Fortress of Solitude" too! Nice captures.
I love that northern weather! Great shots!
Wow... nature is so dramatic sometimes. That second shot is awesome. We have seen no thawing here at all. I have seen some new birds which gives me a sense of hope that Spring really IS going to come again.
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