Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Watery Wednesday: Lily Takes A Bath

"Hmmm...wonder what this does?"
If you stopped by yesterday you saw Grandbaby Lily in her Christmas PJ's. Today we share bathtime with you. Lily loves bathtime. Here she is in Grandma's kitchen sick.
She loves holding her hands under the water.
"Look Grandma I have teeth!"
"Maybe I'll sing for you!"

For more Watery Wednesday posts click on the icon at the top of my post.


Anonymous said...

She is a cutie -- singing in the sink tub! What fun to be able to shower in the sink!

Raven said...

She does look like she's having fun! I always love the way you coordinate your music with the post. Tonight's was perfect. Lily sure is cute.

Anonymous said...

How cute! The baby is now refreshed!

It's my first time to join watery wednesday. My entry is posted here. Hope you can drop by!

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

LOL - oh that looks like so much fun! Remember when baths were that much fun, haha.

Anonymous said...

This was just too cute and so is she!! What a fun entry and I love the "splish-splash" song to go with it.
Sorry about the Mr. Linky problem.

Leora said...

So sweet. Nice how you integrated the running water with Lily's sweet expressions.

judi/Gmj said...

She'a a Water Lily!

Pappy said...

Can't help but love 'em. Pappy

Twisted Fencepost said...

Gmj-Water Lily! So cute!
Carletta, those pictures are adorable!
She's gonna be so upset with you when she grows up and sees this. I was upset with my Mom when I seen the pics she took of me in the bath and they weren't even on the web.
She'll get over it...I did!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: How neat, I remeber when the kids were small enough to wash in a sink. My that was quite a while ago. Lily looks like she was having a ball.

BTW: Those geese were in a persons back yard. There was a little park across the river.

me ann my camera said...

What wonder, what fun! So sweet. This brings back many memories of all those wet, splashy bath times. How watery :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

She looks like a cheerful little one. Hooray for that! Did she ever figure out how to use the sprayer? LOL

MaR said...

Delightful shots of loads of fun!

Melli said...

Darling! I always loved it when they could still take baths in the kitchen sink! It was sO much easier on my back than the tub is... but eventually they get entirely TOO splashy! LOL! Lily is sure enjoying your sink! Is she there with you NOW?

Connie T. said...

I used to give my son a bath in the sink. Cute water pictures.

Ingrid said...

so cute !! How long will she fit in your sink ?

Leedra said...

this is great, and the song so right. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's having fun.. She's adorable.

Mary said...

What a sweetie she is! We should all enjoy a bath that much :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Carletta, what a great WW post. Your little granddaughter is precious and isn't she having just a great time? Thanks for sharing such a delightful moment.

Jientje said...

She looks like she enjoys it a lot!! Love the music that goes with it, you're such a genius to always find the right song!

juliana said...

she's so cute and she seems to really enjoy her bath.

Neal said...

She's a cutie.... I know you won't spoil her. :)

dot said...

I love her pretty brown eyes and of course the music by Bobby Darin is great! Won't be long and she'll be too big for that sink.

Daniel Santos said...

beautiful post and idea.

Rose said...

Roger and I sat and looked at these this morning--actually he seen me smiling and came to see what was amusing me. These are so wonderful! I wondered if anyone still used their kitchen sink to bathe their baby--I always thought it the perfect place.

Dr.John said...

Kids do love baths and she really seems to be enjoying hers.
One of the few memories I have of early childhood is of bathing in the kitchen sink.

JunieRose2005 said...

:) What fun for that baby girl!!

Oh! They are so much fun when they're that size! :)

Enjoy her!


Becky said...

I remember when our son was little and he took a bath in the sink. Brings back fond memories.

Anonymous said...

She seems to be having a good time. I don't remember ever having that much fun with my bath.

Liesel said...

What a sweetheart <3

Janice Thomson said...

What a little sweetie she is - love those beautiful eyes of hers :)