Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sky Watch: A Winter Sunset

December 7, 2008

"A sunrise is God's promise the world should go on...
...a sunset his signature."


Sylvia K said...

What glorious colors! Gorgeous photo! Thanks for sharing!

Sandra said...

Interesting sky color...

Kay said...

I love your golden sky. Aloha from Hawaii. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is mighty beautiful !

Linda said...

Sunrise or sunset - its hard to pick a favorite. Love the quote and the picture is simply beautiful.
Have a great weekend.

Jientje said...

Such a beautiful golden sky!
I love the quote!

 gmirage said...

That's quite an interesting formation...whispy and lovely colors!!!

Photo Cache said...

This is an ooh and aah capture. I like the quote too.

imac said...

Beautiful Golden sky.

Anonymous said...

looks like the clouds are moving upwards! nice!love the color too!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! a 24-karat sky!

bowledover said...

Lovely sky with interesting cloud too. Thank you for sharing.

Allison said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Happy SWF! :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful orange in your sky, Carletta. Our skies are cloudy and grey today. But we need that rain!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color on this sky. Nice shot!

Jeff B said...

A painting only He could produce!

Jane Hards Photography said...

A real golden wonder

Neal said...

Carletta, that is gorgeous. Very interesting.

Dr.John said...

A wonderful picture and a very good saying.

Mary said...

What a lovely golden color! Happy SWF :)

judi/Gmj said...

yeah, what EG said. "D

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta, i got the signature. :)

Anonymous said...

The 3 different textures of clouds in this picture makes it amazing :)

Anonymous said...

Luminous! Shines with just a bit of God's glory, yes?

Leedra said...

Such an unusual color! It is gorgeous!

SaraG said...


Anonymous said...

The two differing cloud formations are striking together in your golden sunset. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful sunset in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and I love the quote too. The clouds are really interesting.

Marie said...

What a beautiful golden sky!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Carletta, this is a lovely golden sunset.Usually the sunrise is golden. It is very special.
Thank you Carletta for your comment.

Anonymous said...

That is a truly beautiful shot. Thank you for visiting my site.

Indrani said...

A golden moment! Beautiful!!

Arija said...

Your sunrise is such a lovelu golden one, mine are a fire in the sky. Amazing how different they can be.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant gold, far more precious than the metal!

Pappy said...

Very nice sunset Carletta. Have a great weekend. Pappy

Kahshe Cottager said...

Amazing colour! Sunrise and sunset photo are my favourites ... next to clouds! A perfect quote to accompany your photo too!

Thanks for your visit!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that looks like a golden sky !!

Anonymous said...

The sun and the shade form a beautiful whole.
Not only these, but also you previous are beautiful pictures.
Cleverly done ! ! !
I like this blog.

JunieRose2005 said...

Another beautiful sunrise, Carletta!

The color is great in this one.

I have some sky pics up this time. Come visit.


Pietro Brosio said...

Fabulous composition and very good quote.
Happy Sky Watch!

Rose said...

Carletta, this is sure a beautiful sky! I love it.

Becky said...

Beautiful Carletta. I love the wispy clouds under the main cloud.
Have a wonderful week-end.

Gretchen said...

So pretty! Happy SWF!

Mary said...

Beautiful! Stunning color!

Julie said...

Beautiful sky shot.