(click to enlarge)
In my corner of the world winter snow has already covered the ground a couple of times and more is expected this week. The flowers in my yard are long gone until Spring again awakens the land and they sprout forth from the earth once again in their beauty. So, what to do for Today's Flowers. I had family all week for the Thanksgiving holidays and haven't had a chance to scout for other flower alternatives. This hibiscus is one from my archives. I took this at my Mom's house in September. It was a surprise to her. It sprang up almost in the middle of a boxwood.
You can see the petal damage from not having enough room to really spread out. We thought it was still quite beautiful. Come spring the boxwood will be cut back to allow the hibiscus to grow.
For more Today's Flowers participants join Luiz and Denise by clicking on the badge at the top of my post.
I always love those garden surprises. Great shot.
Gill in Canada
lovely flower and the happiness of your blog when you became one full year! thanks for the congratulations in my blog!
Very pretty!
A lovely photo Carletta.
Very nice flower.
What a pretty Rose of Sharon.
Love the colour.
- Cheers.
Nice shot and there's nothing wrong with an archive photo.
Hibiscs are really beautiful flowers and the blooms can get as big as a dinner plate.
Hi Carletta
Explosion of color and beauty, love the simplicity of hibiscus. I thank you for sharing.
hugs, Denise
The colours are gorgeous!
Well it might be a September flower but it is still beautiful.
Beautiful. And nice to remember that Spring will come again - even if it is a long way off.
Great shot. The flowers are simply beautiful.
I love these blossoms..can't grow here unless we overwinter indoors! I grow the Rose of Sharon which I find is similar..and that tree stays out all year! Garden surprises are a JOY to behold!!
Pretty photo, I have a similar one , but it neeeds heavy pruning since it easily becomes leggy.
Very nice. I love the flower girl too.
A lovely September flower.
I have noticed that the pink Hibiscus seem to be the most fragile in appearance, yet they are hearty enough to plant themselves and bloom in some of the most amazing places.
Carletta: What a pretty Pink Hibiscus with the red heart. It is beautiful regarless of space.
Such a pretty flower thanks for sharing
Carletta, this is a pretty Hibiscus. I think it is nice to take photos from the archive because there are always some memories attached; thank you for sharing them. Have a nice week and thanks for your visit.
Oh, it is a beauty!!
Very beautiful. My mom always had those flowers.
Now what gave you the idea that I wouldn't know the flowers on my blog? :)
A nice gorgeous flower that will brighten up anyone's day :)
How absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for the kind words today, I'll pop in to visit you often - you're at the top of my list of favorite bloggers.
That is a very pretty flower. This meme is so nice when everything here is under the snow..
Truly a message from the hibiscus to bloom where you're planted. Thanks for sharing!
What a gorgeous hibiscus! Excellent macro.
I love hibiscus, I just have a black thumb when I try to grow them!
carlettasroundthebend.blogspot.com is very pleasant to read. The article is very professionally written. I enjoyed reading carlettasroundthebend.blogspot.com. keep it that way.
Hello Carletta
I googled ‘tractor snow’ and ended up with your pic taken in Beverly, Ohio. I’ve got an uncle who’s retired and having a bit of a rough time at the mo’. As he was a farmer I thought a seasonal farm related card may cheer him up.
Sooooo, this is just a courtesy to say I’m going to pinch your pic’ : 0 as a one off card, trust that this meets with your approval.
If it’s any consolation you will get the credit.
All the best
Hello Carletta
I googled ‘tractor snow’ and ended up with your pic taken in Beverly, Ohio. I’ve got an uncle who’s retired and having a bit of a rough time at the mo’. As he was a farmer I thought a seasonal farm related card may cheer him up.
Sooooo, this is just a courtesy to say I’m going to pinch your pic’ : 0 as a one off card, trust that this meets with your approval.
If it’s any consolation you will get the credit.
All the best
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