I took this photo this afternoon of a rhododendron plant in my flowerbed. It was a new plant set out in the spring. I'm not sure but from the reading I've done I think this plant is preparing for next spring's blooms. I'll have to keep an eye on it to be sure. Meanwhile those little wet drops you see are the result of some precip trying to move into the area. Since it's cold here with below freezing temperatures expected tonight a few snow flurries are possible.
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I think that plant is mixed up and thinks it's spring. :) They are very beautiful when they're in bloom.
Hi Carletta,
I love Rhododendron bushes. They are the Washington State Flower. At my home in Washington we have 4 bushes. I love it when they bloom in the Spring...
I hope yours give you many years of enjoyment...
Hmmm, my rhododendron isn't showing anything like that right now. Just little green buds. Your photo makes me look forward to its bloom.
Hi Carletta, lovely photo for Today's Flowers. A great angle shot. Hope that weather stays kind for you.
On of my favorite mountain flowers. They are hearty flowers and I'm sure will do well.
Is that a Camellia? I have buds on mine too.
I wonder if it's mixed up like Neal said or if you will have a great beautiful surprise come spring.
Good shot. They are hardy. Peace to you today.
Hi Carletta,
your Rhododendron bush can't wait to bloom:)
Very nice picture.
- Cheers.
Very interesting. Great photo!!
Lovely shot Carletta. Rhododendrons are a favorite of mine. I had one that I planted shortly after I moved here that lasted 20 years and went from a small to a very large bush. Sadly it was a casualty of our drought in 2007 but I can't complain since it gave me two decades of pleasure.
Hi Carletta!
Wonderful post in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
Thanks for your support, posting every week your beautiful flowers!
If you want send me flowers photos and I'll post in TODAY'S FLOWERS!
You can send for e-mail(luizsantillijr@gmail.com), if you want, of course!
Have a nice week!
They are incredible come bloom time: lots of them up in my native Maryland.
This Rhody may very well be confused. My former mil had several that would bloom in fall as well as spring. It didn't seem to hurt them any.
It's gonna be real beautiful when it's in full bloom for sure :)
Oh do keep an eye on it, rhododendrons are so pretty!
What an awesome shot!
Rhodies come from the Himalayas and love cool climes. Yes it does look like a flower bud. How exciting for you to watch it develop!
Your Rhododendron shot is spectacular.
I like both the perspective of this shot, the precipitation, and to me it symbolizes future goodness. (I don't know enough about flowers except that I love them (enjoy, see, smell, as well as photograph and paint), but I marvel at the ones that survive in cooler temps.)
Really beautiful flower - thank you for your visit and greetings from Croatia.
This is a great photo! It's interesting to see how a bud developes to a wonderful flower.
Love these plants, perhaps because they don't do got in a Mediterranean climate like mine.
Beautiful shot.
It is for next year - it is the same as mine, only mine was also changing leaves. They do it all the year round.
It´s blooming in the Spring - beautiful flowers.
Fantastic shot, Carletta.
Wow, I haven't heard of a rhododendron in a while. I remember that my mom had some.
Nice composition.
Carletta: Nice capture of your mountain plant from the WV mountains. I want to see what color it blooms.
Love the perspective of this shot!!
Nice shot. I have several Rhodys and yes they are our state flower. the buds do develope early so don't prune until after flowering. MB
What an exquisite shot that is! What color will it be? Mine blooms HOT pink!
Love those rhodies...and photo blogging! Ever since I started blogging with my digital camera I notice so many more details out in the garden, it's so much fun.
Great shot!
Beautiful bottom!
Really beautiful posting!!!
Pretty colors!!! Congrats!!!
Have a nice week!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if this Rhodo thinks it is time to flower or if it just makes itself ready to pop open at the first warm spring day?
i don't think this one has any intention to bloom before spring. the bud is well protected from cold if it's anything like our rhododendrons :)
beautiful shot!
Rhodos always develop their buds ahead of winter but won't be blooming til spring. Beautiful capture.
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