They came looking for food dropped by the little birds from the feeder and they ate and ate.

When they were STUFFED (smile) they decided to sun themselves. After all, isn't a golden brown color on the turkey best!
For more Sepia Scenes participants please join our host Mary by clicking on the badge at the top of my post.
Brilliant timing. Great humor. Lucky you to have turkeys in your yard. The nearest I would get to a turkey would be in a pen at a turkey farm. I like yours better.
Great photos for the eve before Thanksgiving!
If those turkeys only knew what you were doing! There are certainly lots of them looking for food this year!
The turkeys looked as if they got their belly full and decided to rest. Giving you a great chance to "shoot" them.
I am so jealous of your yard critters that seem to show up daily!
Happy Thanksgiving, Carletta!
They came looking for food? You gotta wonder... don't they know what time of year it is?
And yeah, golden brown looks good on them!
Turkeys sun-bathing :P
Happy Thanksgiving!! :)
Cute and clever post for "Thanksgiving"
Can't believe you have wild turkeys in your yard.
Hope you have a wonderful
Those turkeys aren't shy, are they? A couple of them flew across the interstate in front of us the other day. Wish I had a picture of that when it happened.
Great post for Thanksgiving. Think we will be seeing lots of turkey photos in the next several days.
Haha--love the humor. Perfect post.
ps...your badge link only enlarges the badge.
Loved the puns that went with this post! Those turkeys are no fools, chosing to have dinner at your house rather than be dinner at someone else's!
Good thing they entered a yard where they would only be shot with a camera. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Those are nice captures! It's good for Camera Critters too;-)
Now they look like happy Turkeys, especially on a day like today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
They obviously forgot it was Thanksgiving Day right? Hope you and your family have a blessed day. Pappy
Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope yours is a blessed one with lots of fixins! LOL
Carletta: They were certainly golden brown as ours will be today. I do hope you and the family have a Happy thanksgiving and may your golden brown bird be without feathers.
Great turkey shots! I love the play on words too...very cute.
Wishing you a blessed
Thanksgiving, thank you so much for your wishes this morning...I got 'em ;)
I like mine better .... It was laying on a plate waiting for me to carve it. :)
Great turkey shots. Enjoy Thanksgiving.
do these guys have any idea how lucky they are?
lovely shots with a touch of humour :)
happy turkey day!
Hi Carletta,
As always I am the last one. I simply can't remember to get these posted on Wednesday.
Plus this week my PC was down until yesterday around noon.
What a wonderful post considering the holiday!!
Wow and the turkeys came right to you.
Great entry this week. Mine is here.
Happy Thanksgiving!!:-)
What beautiful visitors, right on cue!
When we lived in Crystal trurkeys wandered in from the woods and could be seen on our lawn. Your pictures bring back memories.
Great shots and perfect colors. As someone already mentioned glad they are in your back yard...
that's a nice picture there. I love it. Happy Sky watch from me.
Mine is at http://justmeNus.blogspot.com
Well those turkeys know who to trust I guess. If that was the only way for them to get shot and browned till golden, there would be a lot more of them around, don't you think? Happy (belated) Thanksgiving Carletta!
LOL! Glad everyone was satisfied. ;-) Happy Thanksgiving!
Great photos, i like the turkey's being stuffed LOL Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Turkeys that escaped the dinner table. Great shots.
What a fun post! Lucky you, to have turkeys who come up so close to the house. And you're right, brown looks great on 'em.
Wow! You've got turkeys in your yard? Amazing! I'm so pleased to meet you, Carletta. It's always wonderful to meet another retired teacher. I actually have quite a few retired teachers in my circle of bloggers. It's a lot of fun. I always feel like we rather understand each other.
I came by through Sky Watch and then saw that you were a retired teacher and decided to browze around a bit. You've got a very fun blog and it's fun to see what West Virginia is like.
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