Friday, November 7, 2008

Looking For The Light

Wheeling Tunnel
Wheeling, West Virginia
November 2008

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel drained? I know you have. We have all at one time or another wanted, needed, or had to kick back just a little. Today is that kick back day for me in blogging land. So many memes, so little time!
Here at home the laundry needs caught up, the vacuuming needs done, there's leaves to rake, and groceries to buy. And Christmas is only about 48 days away. Yeah, I know you didn't need to hear that. But, shopping needs done.
So if you came looking for my Friday without fail Sky Watch, well, it isn't here. Oh I tried going through my archives and pulling something out but it wasn't happening. Tried finding something else of interest for you to look at and say to yourself -'where does she get this stuff.' Still wasn't happening. So my dear readers what I have for you today is just good wishes for a great Friday to start a wonderful weekend.
I promise there is light at the end of this tunnel and tomorrow's post will be much much better.
Just you wait and see!


Anonymous said...

Carletta, as I was just recently told, you are not required to always be on. Relax. Take a break. Put your feet up and have a nice cup of tea.

judi/Gmj said...

Lets have a beer and kick back! Okay lets have two, crank up the tunes and I'll vacuum, you dust. :D

EG CameraGirl said...

You deserve to take a break! Some days are like that. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow. At 5:30 AM the music sent me back to Halloween.

Neal said...

Ah, you can put all that other stuff off for a while....blogging is more important. :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

Yes, I've been there. Quite often, actually. (sigh)
One of the things I look forward to on my trips back to WV, are those tunnels. Love them.
Wishing you a productive Friday, too!

Pappy said...

Me too. I took a long walk yesterday and today I'm so sore I can barely motivate. Guess I should walk more often right? Thanks for coming by for a visit. Pappy

George Townboy said...

A lot of my days are like that. I'll be waiting at the end of the tunnel.

Melli said...

Ahhhh! See there! You are human! And we still love you anyway! Do you know how Wordless Wednesday got started? I'll tell ya! One morning Uisce woke up and didn't have a bloomin' thought in his head - and it just happened to be a Wednesday. He took a picture of his shoe and posted it with the title Wordless Wednesday... and the next Wednesday about a dozen people did the same thing! ROFL!!! And thus a meme was BORN! (one of the first ones!) We all have times when we simply have nothing to say... nothing to share! And it's okay!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

love your shot...and your blog is very interesting...

dot said...

Life can get so buy at times. I've had to step back a bit on the blogging and enjoy other things. I love this tunnel shot!

mark's tails said...

Great Pic! It may not be the sky but there is light at the end of the tunnel ;)

Rose said...

Sounds like we are in the same boat...I didn't do a sky watch photo either. Sometimes, I get to feeling like even though I post from different dates, that they are all the same. I did laundry yesterday, and need to do other stuff today. But at the same time it looks like a perfect day for picture taking with the rain we had last night.

Rambling Woods said...

Interesting post..and yes..I have those days..too many of them. Love your Peace Globe too...

JunieRose2005 said...


I know how you feel! I have had to let the scheduled pictures memes go for now too!

The election is what drained me-as you know-and I can't seem to get back on track. And I also have the trip coming up.

I guess blogging shouldn't become an obligation with us anyway!!

For me, I'm just gonna do what feels right and not worry about doing each and every picture meme every week!!

Have a good break, Carletta.


Shelly said...

Even when you "got nothin" you post a good one...good luck on that chores list, or maybe take Quilly's advice and take a break ;)

Ingrid said...

To avoid the rush before Christmas I buy Christmas gifts the whole year, lol ! Each time I see something which could be a gift I buy it. That way I only need to buy 1 gift !
Sit down and relax, and then slowly slowly attack !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Well I guess I'll have to wait to be astounded. Why do we bloggers think that only the best we can do should be shown. I think that why I went to Wednesday Potpourri so I could use photos I liked.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Do we have those days.....I know I do!!! I'll have the energy to go full throttle for a few days at a time, them my body say, "No more!" which time, I rest :o)

photowannabe said...

Go for it!! Recharging the batteries and getting the mundane done is important too.
This crazy computer and blogging can sure take a chunk out of my day. Sometimes I just have to close it up and completely ignore it.

juliana said...

yep, we all seem to feel that way at times, and the best cure is to take a deep breath and relax. the 'real life' has its demands, too...
btw, the tunnel pic is awesome.

Dr.John said...

I like light at the end of the tunnel. Have a better day tomorrow.

Janice Thomson said...

This resonates so well Carletta - sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with blogging and disappear for a few days to get back on track. I'll meet you with George at the end of the tunnel... :)

Anonymous said...

Light at the end of the tunnel. Yay! I have an award for you on my blog. Please stop by to pick it up when you have a chance.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your well-deserved break! I can see the light, but it is still too faint. Every day I look at the unfinished Christmas presents and sigh as I mark another day off the calendar. We won't even talk about the laundry and other chores that have fallen behind the gifts and blogging. Love the tunnel photo!

Raven said...

Hi... sounds like you hit the wall I hit a few weeks back (maybe more than a few). I love your tunnel picture. I hope you actually kick back, though and don't necessarily do all the laundry and the shopping and...

Firefly Nights said...

Great shot of the Wheeling Tunnel. It really does illustrate the "light at the end of the tunnel" phrase. Very artistic.