The Becky Thatcher was once the Mississippi III. It was built in 1926 as an Army Corps of Engineers inspection boat. It was retired by the Corps in 1961 and was refitted and remodeled as a restaurant and museum and moored in St. Louis, Missouri where she was renamed. The City of Marietta bought it and it was refitted and used as a restaurant, theatre and riverboat saloon until about two years ago. It is presently for sale for a whooping $299.000.00! That's reduced from $550K. It no longer runs under its own power and would be quite expensive to move from its present location. I have a feeling I'll be able to keep seeing it for a very long time.
It looks like a wonderful boat. It makes me sort of sad to think of it sitting there unused and unloved when it is clearly a people boat in its heart. Lovely photos.
Fun pictures. So historical too! And those turkeys were great! And have I mentioned that I love the music you pick out for your posts? Cause I do! Hope you're doing well. :)
You get to go to all the fun places!
Okay, whining aside, this is a great boat. I hope somebody falls in love with her and takes care of her soon! Maybe your blog and these great pictures will help.
And an amazing view it is!
Oh wow! I LOOOOOVE old river boats! When I was a kid, my favoritest FAVORITEST musical was SHOW BOAT!!! For some reason my Mother really indulged me with that musical too - because I got to see it (the play) 3 or 4 times at various show places. I know twice was in Dinner Theaters... but I think the others were on stage! If I had an extra 300 grand lying around, I would SURELY buy that boat!!! What a bargain!
If you had the money, it might make a nice home. No property taxes to pay if you are anchored in the river, or on some other body of water. Good choice of photos. Pappy
I hope it can be saved.. but I always think that when I see something as good as this.. and if it dose get broke up then maybe parts reused for decoration and such like.
What a fabulous river boat!! Too bad it isn't being used!
Wow, That is a great boat! Love it! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have had a crazy weekend. I really apreciate you support and readership of my place.
Carletta, here's a link about going down the Mississippi in a river boat. When I read the book I wanted to drive over to the beginning of the Mississippi and hop on that river boat and sail down the river. :)
The River Queen
Very interesting post...I wish someone would buy it and love it. I just hate seeing things grow old with no one to care for them.
These pics were very interesting to see - and loved reading about this old girl!
Gosh what a neat boat - hopefully someone will restore it. Excellent photos Carletta.
Looks like fun to me. Love reading your blog, Carletta.
you always find treasures to show us... wonderful boat. would be nice if someone restored it.
Their photos are spectacular, everything is beautiful and the colors wonderful, extraordinary picture of the sky blog, congratulations.
Wonderful choice of music! Good historical slant to some very nice photographs. Brave woman, in the middle of the river!
One other thing I've always wanted to do is to roll on down the Mississippi on a is sad no one is taking advantage of this lovely old boat :(
Just gorgeous! I'd love to visit it some day.
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Awesome photos and great post!
oh darn for sale I want to ride on it
This boat has meant quite a bit to me for many years. I am a Marietta College grad (class of 97). The college is only 4 blocks from the boat. I saw quite a few shows there while I was in school, while they were still doing them. Once the restaurant and bar opened after that I did my fair share of drinking there too. For those of you who said that they would love a ride, it is unfortunate that the boiler and all the engine workings have been removed quite a while ago (pre 1975). The boat, however, is for sale as we speak. It is on ebay for $249,000. Even if you don't want to buy it, there are some good internal photos, and some not so good ones. I ate there 2 years ago when I was back, and if I could come up with the money I would purchase it and open the restaurant up again. It is truely a shame to let the boat just sit there.
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