Do you have a photo with
red in it? It can be a little
red or a lot of
red. It just has to be your own photo. Then, post your photo on your blog and go to Mary's blog - Work of the Poet - to add your link to Mr. Linky. That way Mary can visit you and we can all see who's playing so we can visit each other.
Anybody who has an eye for
RED and a camera can participate. If you're interesting in joining or just want to check out who's playing today click on the
RUBY TUESDAY icon and it will take you to Mary's place.
Happy Tuesday Everybody!

You'll have to forgive me; but I couldn't resist the title! I'm not sure what the guy driving the truck was doing at the time. This is a small road going into a truck stop. He couldn't have been speeding but somehow he lost the trailer and flipped it in the ditch. It happened as we were having dinner nearby and took a little over an hour to get it turned upright again.
oh my but right title
Oh my gosh!!!
It's my first time to join Ruby Tuesday! My entry is posted HERE.
Hope you could drop by. Thanks!
Wow! This is quite an odd shot!
I love your title. Poor truck driver. I don't know how anyone has the courage to drive those things. I learned to drive at 56. Loved it, but can't imagine driving something like a semi.
If it is empty a good gust of wind could have taken it over. Despite their apparent size and weight, empty vans are like sails when the wind hits them broadside. Or it could have seen the price of diesel and fainted. ;)
Opps for the driver but hey GREAT title you've given it :P *wink*
Loved the title! Hope the guy wasn't hurt. Good capture.
Great title and sometimes a little humour is necessary to get through these mishaps.
nature tales and camera trails
Oh my - did the driver also had a few beers? The title was right on the money :o) Have a great Tuesday!
Carletta: That was a great play on words from the gas prices. They are making me want to flip.
I got gas for $3.72 a gallon and thought I got a great deal.
Excellent title! Hope the driver hasn't flipped as well.
Poor trailer looks like it needed a nap!
Great post title
What a great title!
Love the title! Great shot. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Oh that title is fabulous and hw great that the semi was red! Well done... :0)
I agree...Perfect title!!!!
You rock girl....
great title! lol
the acccident not so much, i reckon...
well done to capture this.
Oh, my! That's scary_ especially since my son-in-law drives one of those big things!
:) YAH! He sure DID flip- and it wouldn't surprise me if he was thinking about the high gass prices when it happened!
PS- my RED is up...but it's one I've used before so you may have seen it in another post.
George Townboy flips over Red Heads.
Gee, had I known about Ruby Tuesday, I'd shot something red, lol!
Great photo of a flipped trailer ... perfect title too. You are forgiven.
Can't say if I would flip over a red semi. Gotta pay attention to the driving dynamics of something that big and heavy. Zero margin for error I guess.
Nice shade of red on that trailer...
Funny title. ;D
Yes, we're all flipping. Great capture.
Carletta, when I read the title and then saw the picture I laughed right out loud! Great pun! Happy Ruby Tuesday! Thanks for inviting everyone to RT! You're helping to make the meme so successful! :)
Oooooo... I bet that sorta ruined the driver's meal... OY!
Nice red and very funny title!
Home and Garden
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