Sunday, June 30, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday and Monday Mural

It's good to be back for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I hope you enjoy my interpretations of this week's photography prompts.
These are some old vintage tools Hubby has collected. I found the old wood tool box years ago.

A dove heading for the bird feeder.
Yesterday morning's breakfast - blueberry muffins!

4.  DOTS
I found this little box at the dollar store. It's actually a balloon weight. A dear friend who was overseas at the time sent me this poem years ago. I don't know who wrote it but the box that doesn't open reminded me of the poem.

Hubby and I were in Marietta, Ohio on Friday when he decided at the last minute to stop for gas. As he pulled in the gas station we were headed back the way we had come. I glanced out my window and saw this mural. This is one of the best examples of Trompe L'oeil that I've ever seen. Even as I sat looking at it I forgot the wall was flat. It's perfect for the stripes prompt and for the 4th of July this week. Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday!
Linking to Monday Mural.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rurality: Sunsets and a Fawn

Last Saturday evening Hubby came inside and said the clouds were pretty and he thought I might want to take a picture. A lovely sky greeted me as I looked down my driveway.

It was only about a minute later that the pastel sky and clouds turned a deeper blue.

I always try to remember to turn around when sky watching and as I did the moon was already shining high in the sky.

The next afternoon as I was driving to see my Stepdad for Father's Day I spied a doe and her fawn. I knew I was too far away to capture any award winning photo but I had to capture the moment anyway. Moments like this are why I love living in the country!
Linking with Rurality and Skywatch.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wild Birds: Turkey Vulture

This week it seemed as if I was being followed by Turkey Vultures. When we leave our home to go out shopping we must travel a two lane country road. This first shot was taken in a neighbor's nearby field. As we watched we could see about seven vultures in the field. This was my best shot in the hazy conditions of the day.

On Sunday I was driving to visit my stepdad for Father's Day when I came across another vulture in the middle of another rural road. I grabbed the camera in time to capture him as he flew.
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Hope you enjoy my interpretations of the five prompts. 
Summer means juicy fresh blueberries. It won't be long!
Dancing ants! Ok, this might be a stretch....  :)

(my Granddaughter Lily)

Coffee - my daily helper that gets me through the day.
Everyone needs a little drink!
(the water isn't green - the leaves from the tree above are reflected in the water)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beyond The Fence Post

A rustic fence post encircled with weed and wire.
A little closer look.
Beyond the fence post was a farmer's first cutting of hay. It's a little later than normal but nearby farmers are finally cutting and putting up this year's first cutting. This was cut last week and most was moved and covered. Some got drenched last night with the severe thunderstorms that came through our area. We had strong winds, thunder, lightning and a little hail but no damage. Less than an hour away my hometown was inundated with close to three inches of rain in a few hours time and is seeing the worst flooding in its history. As I type this the sun is shining outside my window and it looks like a beautiful ending to a very stormy day.
Linking to Friday's Fences.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wild Birds: Heidi and the Titmouse

The little titmouse from last week that hung around our bay window and was definitely in love with its reflection has continued to stay around in the weigela bush underneath the window but only every now and then with just a quick look and then it's gone.
Sometimes he sits atop the hook that is used to hang the suet feeder. As you can see he still serenades us.

Poor Heidi is constantly distracted with the goings on in the window. This window holds her bed where she likes to lay in the sunshine. She has always been an inside kitty and this is as close to a bird as she's ever been. After a few days she would simply look up and check out the noise and then duck her head beneath her paws and go back to sleep.
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's time for this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I enjoyed the prompts this week and have briefly described each shot. However, feel free to click on the first shot and scroll through the slideshow for better enhanced photos. Have a wonderful Sunday!
This is one of two matching carnival glass compote bowls given to me by my mother-in-law many years ago.
I love the iridescent colors you can see when it's placed in the sunlight.

A glass pendant in my favorite color - blue!


(I couldn't decide which I liked better)
It was rainy and overcast here most of the week but I took my camera out last evening and attempted to capture my first ever sun flares.  Actually I'm quite happy with how these came out but I can't wait to try some more.

Granddaughter Lily with a sweet expression and Lucy with her 'poser' smile.

Yesterday morning's breakfast - sourdough French toast with maple syrup - YUM!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rurality Hop: Mr. Box Turtle

Every year Hubby finds a box turtle in the yard as he did this past week. He always brings it to me and the turtle and I have a photo session on top of the hot tube cover.

I sit and wait patiently for the turtle to begin coming out of his shell.

Mr. Turtle (male as evidenced by his bright red eye) is content to pose for a few close ups before I return him to the yard in the place where we found him.  Eastern box turtles do not travel far, usually living within an area less than 200m in diameter. In cold climates they hibernate through the winter in loose soil at a depth of up to two feet. We might just see him again this summer.
Oh, if you think they are slow let me dispel that rumor. I put him back and was racking around a nearby tree. In less than five minutes he was gone without a trace!
Linking to Rurality Blog Hop.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wild Birds: A Titmouse Story

He fluttered outside the window scratching gently against the glass.

He could see his shadow and there were times I could literally see his breath on the window.

All the while he sang at the top of this lungs.

Just stared and sang!
(yes, the windows need washed)

Occasionally he would fly to the nearby wisteria vines and still he kept singing.
This little Titmouse has entertained us for about eight days. He constantly sings to his reflection in the bay window. The second day he never left the area. Since then he has visited at least once a day happily singing to his reflection.
I took over fifty shots of this little guy so you'll see more of him next week with an update if he's still around.
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

This week for Scavenger Hunt all five prompts are photographer's choice. So, I'm picking five photos that I've taken this week. We've been busy redoing our flowerbeds so all photos are of the homegrown variety. Click on the first photo and enjoy the slideshow!

A Straw Plant

A Peony

A frog on the lily pad in our pond.
 The lily that bloomed just a few days later.
 The bloom from a tulip poplar tree. I have two of these trees in my yard.
 The basket of mums hubby surprised me with for Mother's Day.
A macro shot I took yesterday.
Linking to Scavenger Hunt and Macro Monday.