Sunday, March 17, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: St. Patrick's Day Edition

It's been a long time since I've participated in Scavenger Hunt Sunday; but since the prompts are centered around today's St. Patrick's Day I thought I'd be a good Irish lassie and join in.
Without further ado here are my interpretations of those prompts.

1.  LUCKY (My Leprechaun)
I have lots of Irish jewelry. These are two of my favorite pieces. The Irish Claddagh ring was a gift from my daughter. 
3.  Daylight 
The sunlight shines in through the middle section of the bay window in my dining room. It was the perfect place to hang this stained glass piece for St. Patrick's Day.
4.  Pot of Gold
5.  Clover

This shot is from my archives. I went out this week to look for a four-leaf clover in the spot I found this one last year but the clover is a little behind compared to last year's growth so it wasn't tall enough to search. I read an article this week that said a genetic mutation is behind the extra leaf and nearby plants are likely to have it too. I'll be keeping an eye out for them; but I also read the chances of finding one are 10,000 to 1. Yeah, like I said I'll let you know. :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  
Linking to Macro Monday.


Karen said...

Happy St Patricks Day Carletta, lucky you, finding a four leaved clover. Nice pics too.

Nicki said...

Good to see you back at the hunt. You did an outstanding job with this week's words. Nice clover - our patches of clover have not filled in yet either, but I'm sure they will just in time for mowing.

Jori said...

This is such a fun post! I especially love your four leaf clover! Happy St. Patricks Day!

Tamar SB said...

a 4 leaf clover - that is so cool! Love the collections - great finds!

Rose said...

Happy St. Patrick's day, Carletta. I wouldn't be able to find a 4-leafed clover here either!

TexWisGirl said...

if i find one 4-leaf or 5-leaf clover, i often find more nearby. i think it has something to do with soil conditions, too - maybe nitrogen content? can't remember what i've read...

i like your 'gold' photo. really neat.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy St. Patrick's to you too! Love your St. Pat's photos for the scavenger hunt... I especially love the 4-leaf clover. I found one once I think--when I was young. Haven't found one since...

Have a great day.

Red said...

Happy St. Patricks day to you. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing some of your Irish treasures.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy St Patrick's Day! My grandmother was known for her ability to find four-leaf clovers! I bet she had a secret patch.

Honey Mommy said...

Love your Irish jewelry. I especially love the four leaf clover and the pot of gold. Great pictures!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Cathy H. said...

What a lovely Irish post! I really love the quote and photo for Pot Of Gold!! Love the clover shot, too! I found one this week and couldn't believe it! I didn't know there might be others in the same area. I'll be going back to check it out!

Nancy said...

My opinion is that you did a "smash up" up job with the challenge.....Each picture perfect for the word you were to describe... Great job...

Thanks for your comments and yes it would be great fun to work together on the photos...

Have a great week.....

Ida said...

Great set.
I think my favorites would be,
Pot of Gold, What a great quote.
Clover - I used an "archive" one too. Isn't it fun to find them.

Jean said...

i love the Irish Claddagh.

we still have snow covered here in Minnesota :)

so funny, we just put up a stained glass above our kitchen sink yesterday, but it's not irish related.

great finds... searching for four leaf clovers are fun, even if you don't find one that day... =)

Leave It To Davis said...

You always have the best pictures, but you already know that's what I I'll tell you something you haven't heard from me...I love the pot of gold verse...beautiful! :) You should try your hand at next week....I think it's harder than this week. eek!

Unknown said...

Such wonderful photos this week. Lucky you to find a 4 leaf clover. And what a great shot of it.

Happy St. Patty's day to ya!!

Brandi said...

My daughter finds 4 leafed clovers in our yard all the time-- not right now, though--yet I never can! Hope you had a great day!

George said...

This is a wonderful St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt. Very well done!

Regina said...

How beautiful!

Happy new week.


Pierre BOYER said...

Happy St Patrick's day !
Best regards,


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

some people complaiined that some pubs were closed on St Patricks day.

Stewart M said...

I think the better prepared you are the luckier you become - like looking in the right place!

Stewart M - Melbourne

Rollercoaster Mum said...

Ahh I though this was for St Patricks Day - hope it brings you luck!

Anonymous said...

Nice clover shot!

Ingrid said...

I missed St. Patrick's completely. It's not very much celebrated in Belgium.

Laura said...

gorgeous clover.. Lucky YOU!

Karen said...

A lovely "Irish Post"! Terrific macro of the 4 leaf clover, I have never found one.

Unknown said...

Love your lucky clover and the Irish jewely.

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh wow, Carletta! You did a fantastic job putting this set of photos together!

Deanna said...

Great choices for the hunt...I have a sneaky feeling you must have some Irish blood in you. Hope that 4 leaf clover brought you luck this past year.

Anonymous said...

I also totally love Irish jewellery, I love that photo of the Celtic cross! Very nice! I must get back to making jewellery soon again.

A Colorful World said...

Fabulous choices for the St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt!