Saturday, December 8, 2012

They call me Mallow....

Linking to Weekly Top Shot, Today's Flowers, and  Lisa's Macro Monday.


Karen Lakis said...

Beautiful image, especially on a day like today where everything around me is brown and gray!

Red said...

Pretty romantic quote and by a guy too!
Anyway a good quote to go with your photo. It brightens things up on a winter day.

TexWisGirl said...

that's pretty. :)

imac said...

Beautiful post my friend.

diane b said...

Nice shot and and quote.

Kerri Farley said...

Awesome ~ Awesome ~ Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and so vibrant.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, love the twirlies in the middle =)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Very pretty and I like the quote too!

DeniseinVA said...

That is a great quote to go with your photo, and the flower is beautiful. Thanks Carletta :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous color... someone said they are very hardy... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #60!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Stunning. I love the colour. B

lotusleaf said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful colors in that flower, Carletta... Thanks for sharing.

Modern Mom said...



Neal said...

Very beautiful....I am ready for spring. :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful close up of this interesting flower! I love the curly stamens (?) and the pink stripes. Great quote, too. Hope your weekend is lovely. xx

Self Sagacity said...

I have a soft spot for purple and pink. Gorgeous!

Kateri said...

Beautiful! I love mallows!

carol l mckenna said...

Divine macro of one's nature's gems ~

(A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Carver said...

Beautiful flower. I love the stripes.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot. I love mallow! Mine finally have succumbed to the cold weather.

Leave It To Davis said...

I love the way it looks like it's bleeding color...

Arija said...

So beautifully painted and photographed.

Hootin Anni said..., wonderful shades of pink!!

A Colorful World said...

A mallow for Monday :-) I am linking in to Todays Flowers late, so for me this is Monday! It's lovely.

Ingrid said...

So nice to see a beautiful flower in these grey days !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So lovely -- and a wonderful quote.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful and true true true. B

Debbie said...

so special, for this girl who loves purple!!

Unknown said...

Just lovely!

Unknown said...

pretty and delicate looking.