Monday, September 17, 2012

Rolling On The River

"Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans
But I never saw the good side of the city
Until I hitched a ride on a river boat queen

Big wheel, keep on turning
Proud Mary, keep on burning
Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river"
Lyrics by: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Linking to Ruby Tuesday 2, (almost) Wordless Wednesday, and Thursday Theme Song.


Carletta said...


Colin said...

Wow great shots of the river race with the old paddle steamers.
I believe I have seen TV coverage of the Really big "paddle steamers" racing down the Mississippi River.
Here with the old ferries (and I mean old), they have a race once a year down Sydney Harbour, the foreshores are packed with spectators from the "heads to the bridge" and the harbour is awashed with pleasure craft for the event, plus the foreshores with spectators. Again except on TV I have never seen.
Hopefully an Aussie viewer can come up with better answers?
Great blog.
Colin (Brisbane. Australia)

Colin said...

Oh dear, sorry about the repetitions - the foreshores and spectators!
I got carried away - so a triple "mea culpa"!
Colin (now in outerspace)
No it is not funny, I should be more careful.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i can hear you singing now. you go Tina!! enjoy the day. (:

Linda said...

Nice shots of the river...and a great song choice! Had to laugh at Colin's remark too...nice to have you joining in on Thursday Theme Song too - I have sure had fun participating in that one!

HansHB said...

Nice serie of photos, - lovely colours!
Have a nice day!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cool shots- and I am singing along with ya!

TexWisGirl said...

the second shot is GORGEOUS!

(go, tina!)

Ralph said...

This looks like a great ride - no paddlewheels turning in CT, so this can be from 100+ years ago. The banks of the Ohio are not developed so the effect could be from all those eons ago. Happily these run on diesel and not the explosive pics (and water :)

Carletta said...

Ralph, when I took the last shot a lady was beside me who's son was on on of the boats. She told us it was running on bio-diesel using french fry oil.

My name is Riet said...

Oh I love these sort of boats, great shots

Red said...

The old paddle wheelers must have been awesome machines. you caught them really churning up the drink.

Jama said...

We have one such riverboat here but it's used as a floating restaurant , anchored by the pier.

A Colorful World said...

Ooooh, love it! It would be so much fun to roll down the river on a riverboat!

Anonymous said...

Such marvellous shots!

Ingrid said...

I would love to roll on this boat !

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful photographs, such fantastic ships it is unusual reminding history. I am greeting

EG CameraGirl said...

WoW! I love how you've captured the water in these photos!

DawnTreader said...

Wow, what a treat! :)

Craver Vii said...

These are amazing. It's so cool that they can generate lots and lots of power without crumbling the structure to pieces.

I'll have that song playing repeatedly in my head today, but I don't mind... I like that song.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, looks like an exciting thing to see.

dsahmblogs said...

Wow, that was really cool!

Visiting from Ruby Tuesday 2 - hope you can stop by..

kayerj said...

love these shots and now I'm jammin out to the song in my head. love that too--

Jan n Jer said...

What fun to watch...great shots!

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Beautiful shots! I can feel the spray of the water!!

Rose said...

I would love to take a river boat cruise! And CCR was always one of my favorite bands...think I have about 4 or 5 LP albums.

Kathy said...

You certainly did an amazing job in capturing these photos. Loved Credence Clearwater then, love them now. The song, the band, the boat are all American classics!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I can't believe the beauty of the water spun out of the wheel.

Lighthousegal said...

I did not know that CCR had not only written but recorded this song, always thought it was Tina and Ike's alone. I learned something today!
I love your pictures of the boats. I have always wanted to ride one of those big paddle boats. I almost got to one summer in Louisville, but it didn't pan out. When I have been in Disney World I have wanted to ride that one too, but we were always busy and it just didn't happen. Guess my next trip I am just going to have to schedule it and GO!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh...this was fantastic Carletta!!! It is my dear husband's favorite song. Well, I should say Tina Turner and her long legs is what he likes. But this song will get him 'rollin'!!!

Loved it, loved the beautiful images.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, do I love CCR or what? Fabulous, and I just missed seeing John Fogerty this week by the skin of my teeth. Thanks for posting one of my favorites! I'm stuck in a hotel room 'way up north and I have a horrible cold. Good thing I didn't manage to snag a ticket to see JF and hear the Creedence songs because I wouldn't be able to go. So now I can listen anyway!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

But NEVER sung any finer than by Tina Turner!

Maria @ LSS said...

Wonderful shots. A late Ruby Tuesday visit. Mine's here.

Kranky Granny said...

Now this is something I have done first hand. I love your photos. They add so much to the experience of having ridden on one of these paddle wheelers.

Becky said...

Oh yes, Paddle wheelers are so cool and I would love to see a race. Awesome water shots.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now, that song reminds me of floatin Current River on inner tubes & singing w/ my brother & his friends... we had sooo much fun! Thanks a bunch for the blast from the past!!! =)

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