Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall

"Autumn...the year's last lovliest smile." ~Bryant
I took this just a few minutes ago in the evening light. It's just a little small branch on an otherwise still green leaved oak tree in my yard. A sign of the lovely colors of Autumn yet to come.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautiful shot. i love fall. (:

TexWisGirl said...

it is lovely.

Amy Burzese said...

Fall is my favorite season.

Robyn said...

I like the bokeh you captured and the leaf colors. The trees are changing daily around here. Beautiful!

Colin said...

Pretty colouring, but in suburbia they do make a mess when they fall off onto the streets and clog all the drainage.
Our Spring supposedly starts on September 1st, it came 31 days early - August 1st. It is presently real summer weather, so God help us when December 1st comes around. The long range forecast is hot and dry! No rain even on the horizon, I guess it is the turn of the southern hemisphere for what some parts of the USA and Europe got for their last summer. The days are bearable but it is the nights that I hate - sauna like.
Colin (Brisbane.Australia)

Red said...

Awesome with the yellow and orange.

Anonymous said...

SO lovely... autumn is such a delight for the eyes! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #49!

Kerri Farley said...

How lovely!! The leaves are starting to turn here too...

Pat said...

Beautiful capture! I love the Fall season. I hope the drought doesn't affect the leaves colors too much!

Deanna said...

The light cast on these leaves is just perfect..and that bokeh is delicious...thanks for joining Nancy's Your Sunday Best.

Ingrid said...

Oh please, not yet ! I hate fall !

carol l mckenna said...

Exquisite photo of nature's leaves turning golden colors ~ Happy Equinox ~ (Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

I Love fall colors, beautiful photo!

Pat said...

A beautiful bit of fall color!

Ahayes1225 said...

Wonderful fall leaves!

diane b said...

Fall creeps in and then explodes in wondrous colours. Love the light on the speckled leaves.

Nancy said...

We have a couple of trees that are completely turned, but most are still green. Very pretty, Carletta. :)

kayerj said...

I can't believe it is here already!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Our trees around here are starting to change colors as well. Lovely shot!

Visiting from Ruby Tuesday.


Have a great week ahead!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful early Fall -- beautiful picture!

Felisol said...

Autumn leaves are definitely the prettiest. I spot green, yellow, orange, red and brown in one single leaf.
Maybe the Creator's way to make us accept the beauty of death and changing seasons, even though it still makes me feel sad.

Ralph said...

The early 2012 Spring allowed the bloom to begin very early - alas, the leaves are turning much earlier six months later. The end of summer portends cooler temperatures to be, but the sea of green foliage will be orange, yellow and red shortly. But the beauty will be all over and ready to enjoy...

Rose said...

I wish I didn't have to do anything in the fall but spend time searching for shots like this! It is gorgeous.

Liz said...

So beautiful.

Red Blooms and Red Bricks

lorik said...

I love the colours and textures in your image. And the flickering light is lovely. Thanks for visiting and your nice comments:)

EJ said...

So beautiful!

Have a great Tuesday!

Maria @ LSS said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! I love the speckles on the leaves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta -- Yes Autumn is here and thank you so much for your photos because there are not many trees that turn this far south and it will be a while yet. Thanks for your sweetness over at Moring Dewdrops -- have you done anything in your art journal yet. I hope. We're having an event starting on Oct 1. Blessings Terri