Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rural Thursday

Most of you know by now that during my time away from blogland my two granddaughters spent some time with Grammy and Papaw. These little ones live in surburbia so it's a treat for them to see the wildlife and have five acres to roam and explore.
Little Lucy loved looking out the sunroom window watching the turkeys.
Everytime the turkeys would come by she would ask me to take a picture. That could help explain why I have taken over a thousand photos these last few weeks.
It was exciting for her and Lily both to find the stray turkey feather in the yard. One day Lily asked  if we could put them back on the turkey! :)
Lily was the more adventurous. She decided it would be fun to drive her Buzz Lightyear bike pulling a wagon tied with a jump rope down the hill behind the house. That was until Grandma saw her and stopped her telling her it wouldn't be a good idea. Let me remind you these little girls are flatlanders and hills are very tempting.
Here they are picking some of the last of the blackberries.
Of course they were lucious little temptations that got eaten almost as soon as they were picked.
Grammy prefers the gooey cobbler when it comes to eating blackberries!
Watching out the sunroom window we saw a Mama and her little doe enjoying the backyard. Lily, age 4, turned to me and said, 'Grammy, do it have a Grandma?' How sweet is that!
A closer look at the little one.


  1. That is such great grandma and grandpa time.. Pretty girls with memories to make.

  2. Hilarious report, Carletta.
    The unexpected things you learn.
    So wonderful to see your two little grandaughters so much enjoying themselves away from suburbia.
    I had a good laugh at the granddad's name - Papaw! Here Papaw, looks like Pawpaw which is a tropical fruit - Papaya. So I googled "Papaya" and lo and behold Papaya has all three names used in different locations around the World. There are Pawpaw trees growing next door to me. I love Pawpaw icecream. Maybe introduce your two lovely granddaughters to this treat. "Papaya/Papaw/Pawpaw" yohurt is yummy also.
    You should have let Lily go down the hill, a bit of dirt and a few scratches never hurts and really washing dirt stains out is far easier than blackberry stains - ha ha.
    Seeing the turkeys and the doe with her fawn was an added bonus.
    Great blog.
    Colin (Brisbane.Australia)
    Weather report: No August this year, it missed us - and can stay missed for all I care. Perfect Spring weather in Winter.

  3. Oh forgot for those who may be interested in the three "P's".

    I think you need two or more of them to grow, the male tree fertilises the female tree. God only know how you can tell what is what sex!! ha ha.

  4. Beautiful photographs, time full of joy. I am greeting

  5. Such sweet memories. My grand children live in the city and love coming to the country to visit. Thank you for sharing your precious family and spectacular deer photos!

  6. This was so sweet, Carletta! The girls are just precious...loved the one with the berries! Kids need to get out in the country for sure - my young niece thought cows were elephants the first time she saw them! How sad was that!

  7. I'm glad you all enjoyed your special time together. Lovely photos to remember it by!

  8. I always love the insights young children have concerning such things we often take for granted. Priceless. :)

  9. Lovely photos. What a great time you must have had with those two little cuties!

  10. What little cuties. I know you enjoyed them. How lucky they are to have grandparents away from suburbia. The deer shots are just great and that cobbler looks delicious!

  11. they grow so fast! precious memories.

  12. What a great visit for both grandchildren AND grandparents!

  13. Beautiful children with their grandma ~ Great photos ~ awesome deer photos ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Oh my gosh, they're beautiful & that hair is gorgeous!
    Too cute about the "do it have a g'ma?" The things kids come up w/! heheheee
    You get some of the best deer shots, no pun intended, that I've seen... they're so neat to watch & look at all those baby spots! WoW! =)

  15. That's so great that they had fun with you! I love that they got a taste of a different lifestyle. Their names and hair is so pretty!

  16. precious girls. i'd have been right there next to lucy, watching the turkeys!

  17. love the deer and what your granddaughter asked - to cute!

  18. How blessed to live in such a beautiful place so close to nature. I raised my children in the country, but didn't get so close to the graceful dear. enJOYed your shots!

  19. Oh, what a treat to visit Grandma and Grandpa, especially with so much to see and do!

  20. I bet you had an absolute blast with them there...the world is new again when we see it through their eyes.

  21. Hi Carletta, Love seeing your wildlife... We have turkeys here --but they don't come around our area... IF we hike back in the woods near here, we can usually see them there.

    Your granddaughters are beautiful--both of them. Bet they had a great time at your home... Did they wear you out? Kids have so much energy...

    You know how much I love Mama and her fawn.... Looks just like ours. We had a 'too close for comfort' experience with our deer this week. I'll blog about it soon.


  22. Two cute little girls- I know you are proud! Glad you got to make great memories with them.

  23. This is the stuff that great memories are made of!
    they sound like 2 really sweet little girls, who are taking to country life like ducks to water! Glad you enjoyed your time with them Carletta.

  24. You are certainly having fun with these two and probably learning a few things.

  25. Such sweet memories your cute little Grand daughters will have! Great shots...I bet they were just fascinated with the wild life.

  26. It looks as if you had a marvelous time with your granddaughters and they had a great time with you. I would be tempted by those blackberries as well.

  27. Oh I love me the granddaughter snaps. Have you seen mine? Those berries are tempting me. Must find some around here, now.

  28. Great family bonding...they'll appreciate all the time spent with you♫

  29. My Grandkids are grown up now and in College but I remember the days spent with them. Sure miss them being little. Now they are so busy that I don't get to see them as much.

  30. Beautiful shots, especially the deer.

  31. Those grandaughters are extra special names?

  32. Beautiful photos of beautiful girls.

  33. delightful :) you're grandaughters are so beautiful.

  34. How lovely that you get to spend some quality time with your grandaughters.
