Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday's Fences

This fence is near where my husband was born and grew up. Did you notice the deserted railroad track? The railroad ran way back up into what we call the 'hollows' of West Virginia. Its purpose was to bring coal from out of the mines. When I say this was way up in the middle of nowhere it is really in the middle of nowhere. The trains ran until about the mid-sixties.
Another view further down where some of the railroad ties are still visible.
I know this is another cow shot but I thought this one was funny. Am I being told to go away!
Linking to Friday's Fences.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I like the tree growing in the middle of the tracks! BTW, I thought they were "hollers," not "hollows." (I used to live in eastern Kentucky.)

Sky Through Fence

Linda said...

You can tell the tracks haven't been used for a long time by the size of the tree! Great shots...I love RR tracks - anywhere!

Carletta said...

We have always said something like he lives up the hollow. 'Holler' would be me yelling for my brother. :)

Colin said...

Very interesting Carletta.
I dread to think how many of these unused railway lines are scattered around Australia. The steel/iron or whatever they use for the lines, must be worth a BIG fortune.
Forget about lousy millions, go into the billions!
As for what the hereford cow is "mooing", I'd go for "stupid humans, look at the wasted money just sitting in front of bloody eyes!"
Think of the employment that could be generated for the removal of the rails and even the sleepers that hold them. All reusable in some way or the other.
Excellent post Carletta.
Colin (Brisbane.Australia)
Weather report: 12.00pm, Friday 15th. June.
Brilliant! Tres Bon etc etc. Wish it would just stay like this in sub-tropical Brisbane for the whole of winter.!!! ( and pigs might fly too - ha ha! Wishful musings!)

Bev said...

Another fence with tree that common? We found a fence like fact I posted it....didn't realize it was a 'common' thing??

TexWisGirl said...

sweet fence line! and i did notice the tracks right away. very cool bit of history. and i like your bellowing cow. :)

Rose said...

oh, I like these...the one looks odd with the tree growing up in the middle of the railroad.

judi/Gmj said...

as in Mr. Peabody's Coal Train?
Fantastic area! Would be wonderful to explore.
possibly Rails to Trails... do they still have that program?
Although that would generate jobs etc. It also would spoil the pristine rural ambiance.

Vores have said...

Hello Carletta. Interesting post, with both fences and history. Wishing you a good Friday :) Hanne Bente

Anonymous said...

The cow looks very vocal!!! Moooooo! I love the fence and old RR tracks. Everything looks so green! Have a wonderful weekend.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I always like your cow shots! :-)

Claire Justine said...

Great shots,love the cow hehe :)

Tanya Breese said...

what pretty scenery and that cow is cute!

Jan n Jer said...

I can imagine how busy those RR tracks were at one time! Great shot!

Barbara said...

What a great series of captures. Love the old fence combined with the tracks.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i've got the giggles because of the look on the cows face. too funny. (:

Elaine said...

I enjoyed that post - I love the photos and the bit of history, but most of all I like the look on the cows face.

Liz said...

Great fences Carletta! I love the history and that cow just completes the post!! :)
Happy weekend.

Ingrid said...

Nice old country fences ! and cow is a top model !

Faye said...

Those railroad tracks are quite familiar to me--I grew up in eastern Kentucky in one of the many coal mining camps along the Big Sandy River. We walked the railroad tracks to get to the school bus. Thanks for the trip back in time, Carletta.

NatureFootstep said...

love the cow. :) Maybe she would like to be left alone on her side of the fence.

George said...

Unless my eyes are deceiving me (a distinct possibility), the trees growing up between the rails testify to how long it's been since a train ran on these tracks.

jewaicious said...

What beautiful captures of fences and textures. I love the cow, such a sweet face.

kayerj said...

I really love these shots--so country.

Nellies said...

Thanks for visiting my fence photo today. Love your set of fence photos!

Amy Burzese said...

Cow shots are ALWAYS good. Neat railroad track and the fence too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Carletta, There are lots of those abandoned railroad tracks not only in West VA --but other nearby states. I do know that some communities have turned old railroad tracks like that into hiking and biking trails... All of us humans need to walk alot more than we do---and anywhere counties or communities can add walking paths is a GOOD THING...

Have a great weekend.

Carletta said...

Betsy and Judi,
We do have Rails to Trails in many areas of West Virginia. However, when I said these were in the middle of nowhere they are miles from anything other than deep wooded areas. There is nothing of true scenic value to draw people. It would not be financially feasible to create a trail in this particular area.

Red said...

The fence is my kind of fence...rugged, tough brutal.
The rails are interesting as they have been left. Here as soon as the line is abandoned they take out all the equipment. Steel is worth big money.

Janie B said...

Great shots, as usual. Love the cow and the tree inside the tracks. I wonder what ghost trains whoosh through there at night... Hmmmmm. Ha!

Sallie ( said...

That cow doesn't like you taking her picture (but I sure liked seeing it). That is definitely an abandoned track.

Colin said...

Great comment Red!
Obviously Canadians know the value of the unused! Re-cycle! Very sensible. Also these left over rail tracks are dangerous to animals, they break legs on them -
horses, deer and cattle. The shorter legged varieties not so much. Money, money and more money just lying there. One must wonder?
That cow actually said it all.
Again a great blog photo, Careletta - should make viewers think!
Colin (Brisane.Australia)

Betty Manousos said...

stunning shots, carletta!

ah, your photos are always worth the look.

have a great weekend!

Mimi said...

The tree growing in the middle of the tracks is funny! I usually feel sad when I see disused tracks, but this one made me smile because of that tree.
You really do live in a beautiful place, Carletta!

A Colorful World said...

So interesting! I hadn't noticed the tracks at first. It's a really pretty place.

Dimple said...

I saw the fence, slightly tipsy, before I noticed either the rails or the tree...Very neat shots, especially the talking cow!

Anonymous said...

I just saw you are in W.Va! I was born and raised in Fairmont. :)

Kranky Granny said...

Great shots all. The second is my favorite though. We have some of these abandoned tracks around here also. I noticed that someone is tearing out one set of them down by the river.