A couple of months ago after visiting my Mom I had seen this barn off of the interstate. Round barns are not the norm here so I was excited to catch a glimpse of it. Hubby and I couldn't find it when we exited the highway. A couple of weeks ago we were in the same area and this time we figured how to circle around to get to it. On the day we were there we didn't see anyone or any activity and no lifestock of any kind. It was hard to see inside the door of the barn but it looked empty. I hated that the electric lines were in the way but they were just unavoidable. When I took this we literally were parked on the little country road and I was sitting in the passenger seat. I added a little texture to this first image in post processing. I like the feel it gave the photo.
(Remember when you finish reading to click on the pictures and view the slideshow.)

The back of the barn.

The barn with a small shed.

This was our first look at the barn. The little shed kept me from getting a long shot of the front of the barn. I hope you enlarge the pictures. If you do take a look just to the right of the telephone pole on the right hand side. See that stone?

I zoomed in when we passed the barn to see this small family cemetery in the field down from the barn. I wondered if those buried were some of the original owners of the land. Before the interstate highway it would literally have been in the middle of nowhere. No sign of an old farmhouse. Perhaps it was long ago replaced with the little trailer. I'm sure there's a story. I just wish I knew what it was.
i (frickin') want this barn!!! it would match our house!!! :)
Next time, just go and knock on the door ---and ask them to tell you the story... Tell them that there are some nosy blog friends who want to know!!!!!! ha ha
Great picture of the round barn.... I seldom see round ones...
I like Betsy's idea, ha!
I see something red (tractor?) in the shed in one picture,in the same one the barn looks a bit like the Leaning Tower!
Carletta, I would never notice the telephone wires, but that's one of the things that makes you such a good photographer.
Love the slideshow!
So many questions! Not many answers! Interesting photos that make us pause to think about things.
Something so poignant about abandoned farm buildings... always make me want to know the story -- and this round barn and the cemetery -- oh even more so than usual. I'm glad you found it again.
Wonderful round barn! Thanks for sharing it.
Ohhh extra bonus included w/ your Barn Charm entry this week! There's definitely a story there & I, too, wish I knew it... a small little graveyard like that isn't something you see everyday in someone's yard. Gorgeous barn, the roof looks new!
Very interesting find, Carletta, & that's so much for linking up to Barn Charm
love the round barns. so different & neat look. (:
What a beautiful find. I am so jealous. I have never seen one like this, but am still looking. Glad you all were able to go back and find it. A round barn....I cannot even imagine it. The green roof is super. And the family cemetery...I love them. We have a number of them around our area. Couldn’t do that anymore. The winds have changed and the Rich Hole Fire is blowing the smoke towards us again. We ALMOST had to evacuate on Tuesday night, but lucked out. Our friends up the road had to leave. Hope you have a nice week. genie
I have seen pictures of round barns before but have never seen one. They are also rare in my part of the country. You put a lot of effort into taking the photos just so we all could get a view from all angles.
Amazing group of pictures. I didn't realize how large the barn was until I saw the photo with the mobile home next to it. We too have a family cemetery - but it's not in our back yard!
What a wonderful barn! Good job capturing all the pieces and parts of the surroundings! I love it!
Love how you got pictures from all sides of the round barn. I just posted a round barn too, but I called it an octagon barn. No one seemed to be living there but I didn't dare get out and walk around.
What a great barn! I love the little cemetery there~it's a reminder of what an isolated life people led long ago.
This barn is adorable! It looks like it has a new roof, too.
Its a wonderful find Carletta...always love the round/octagon/hexagon barns...I just want to see inside one...which would probably only lead to me wanting to see inside all of them.
What a great barn, and the little cemetery is a great extra.
This was a terrific find! Round barns are unusual in my part of the country.
Hi Carletta.
A bit slow off the starting blocks here today and for good reason!
( Actually for horrific reasons!)
I agree with Betsy and Mimi.
You should go in and ask, round barns are most peculiar, and there must be some reason. Seems it is still useable, the shed next looks like it has stuff inside and the surrounds are all not in disarray.
However, a very enlightening post, well done.
Colin (Brisbane.Australia)
Weather report: Forget the e-mail early of torrential rain, now it is sunny,but storm clouds arriving on all sides.Aaaaaah I give up with the weather.
That's fantastic, Carletta! Not only is it round, but I love the roof!
Sure is different. If only the walls could talk.
I love the deer post, and the wood.
Fencing is a keen interest of mine!
But these photos are interesting.
You wonder why the barn isn't rectangular!
Greetings from Cottage Country!
The round barn is a beauty! I love the weathered wood. and the roof is unique.
What an interesting barn!! I've never seen a round one!
Round barns are so fascinating! There used to be one in my town but is long gone. I have only seen someone else's photo of it.
Oh my- how cool is that??!! I would love to see that little cemetery up close- this is certainly an old homeplace. Great capture!
Another awesome barn!!!
Amazing construction and color. Great find, Carletta. :)
what a wonderful find for barn charm!! i have never seen a round one, except at barn charm.
thank you for the sweet comment you left on my barn. i love those comments when you feel like someone really connected with your entry/story. xo
Love love this...very unique. Round barns are rare in any state. I have only found one in my neck of the woods in S.central Pa. But I am sure there are more scattered throughout the State...would love to find them!
Tucked away and forgotten. Your processing on the first shot sets the mood perfectly.
That roof had to be expensive! It looks almost new, but perhaps that's just the way it shows up in the picture. Anyway, it's a terrific barn. I get a kick out of farms where the barn is nicer than the house or in this case trailer. You don't have to guess where their priorities lay!:>)
look how tiny their trailer looks next to that awesome barn! and i love the little family plot too :)
So glad you mention this barn in the previous post. It is certainly a rare find and I would have been sorry to miss it.
I would love to know the story as well. We see small graveyards like this here and they usually are from the late 1800's.
Powerful capture, this one.
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