Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday's Fences

I have just returned from a Thanksgiving visit with my Granddaughters. This fence surrounds their back yard. The big white ball is an indication that little ones live and play here. They live along a main thoroughfare so playing with sidewalk chalk in the front yard is a safety issue. All little girls love to play with chalk so their Mommy's solution is to let them color on the fence. She says the rain washes it off so it doesn't do any harm. I took these the morning I left and it was sprinkling heavily. I'm guessing the abstract masterpiece has since washed away.I love the blurred color in the background of this one so I've included it as well.
(Remember to click to make the images big!)
Linking to Friday's Fences.


Rose said...

I think I do like the last one best, but really like all three.

Hope you had a good time--what am I saying? It would be impossible not to have a good time with grandkids involved!

George said...

I like the fences -- and the colorful abstract art. I hope you had a great time with your granddaughters.

Unknown said...

Perfect, fence with chalk art. I bet they have loads of fun with that fence.

Francisca said...

What a clever mother... let the creativity roll! And you got three stellar photos of the girls' chalk art on the gray wood fence. I like your last one best, too.

diane b said...

Kids love to play outside and be creative. Love the blurred shot and the two contrast well.

betty-NZ said...

Great series of shot from an everyday place.

Dianna said...

Love the little picket fence - and I agree, a clever Mom to let the girls play with the chalk on the fence. The colors of the chalk against the gray fence are beautiful!

Janis said...

I love all three shots! Smart Mom to let the girls decorate the fence. My grands love sidewalk chalk and they decorate my driveway quite a bit!

Anonymous said...

Hello hello, Carletta

I used to love to play w/ chalk, too... oh to be little again, not a care in the world, mmmm! =)
I like the blurred chalk in the background of the last shot.

happy friday =)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love the look of this fence.The special childhood colours would only make it more special. What a fantastic idea. Love it. B

TexWisGirl said...

i love the colors on the weathered boards! so cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i really like all three, for different reasons. the first one i almost thought someone put an egg on the fence until i looked at it a moment

Bridget Larsen said...

Great idea to graffiti the fence that is washed by nature lol

Susan said...

Great fences, had those at a home I used to live in. The wood just weathers gray. Beautiful!

Neal said...

Hope you didn't spoil them. :) I like fences and, like you, I really like the last picture.

don said...

A strong Friday Fences series. Nicely done.

genie said...

I nice mix of shapes in this fencing...and I especially like the natural wood without any paint on it. Letting them write on the wall with their chalk is a great idea. Where there is a will, there is aways a way. genie

kayerj said...

I like the colorful background the chalk makes in the final photo.

Judy said...

I think that last shot is my favourite! It will be interesting in another couple of years, when they start drawing more detailed masterpieces!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Colorful, that last one. And a happy fence. What a lovely Thanksgiving.

JunieRose2005 said...

I really love these pictures! Little girls always love coloring with chalk! I bet they will be doing this for several years to come...There will be trees and houses and flowers and stick figure families! I think it's cool!! :)

Leora said...

Your fence photos are so cool. We have chalk on our porch, to color our sidewalks.