There is nothing like celebrating a child's first birthday. This weekend my youngest grandchild turned one.

Sammy loved his 'smashcake!' His Mommy made it all by herself. Turns out Sammy isn't a cake in your face kind of guy so there wasn't much smashing but he enjoyed it anyway.

A pensive look on the red carpet with a talking firetruck.

Here he is posing for Grandma in his first birthday shirt while holding down the string of one of his balloons. Gotta love those beautiful blue eyes!
What a Sweetie, Carletta... He is adorable... I know you are a very proud Grandma...
OMG Carletta a year already? How time flies and what a handsome little boy. I love the one with the smashcake LOL such a boy. Just adorable. I hope you all are well :)
Me Ke Aloha
Carletta, he is a doll baby! I can't believe how fast the time flies!!
He is so handsome! Belated happy birthday to him.
My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
Cute little guy! Happy Birthday!
He almost shows a delicate touch - no smash, no Ma'am! That looks like the biggest cupcake I have seen. He will soon learn the art of utensils, but is amazingly cute!
he has amazing eyes
Happy Birthday Sammy
the cupcake is spectacular
brava to Sammy's mom
Wow! I've missed a lot! He is fantastic! those eyes! Paul Newman Blue.
He is a cutie for sure, and those blue eyes are striking!
Happy birthday! He is so cute!
Visiting from Ruby Tuesday, mind to come and and see my ruby entry? Your comment would be greatly appreciated!
He is a darling with beautiful blue eyes. Happy Birthday Sam.
Happy first birthday little one!
Such a sweetie....Happy Birthday!
Sammy has beautiful blue eyes. I'm glad he enjoyed his first birthday cake. He was much neater about eating it than either of my children were!
What a sweetheart, and I couldn't think of a lovelier RT subject than this.
Congratulations Sammy, Grandma and all the family!
My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!
I adore his eyes! Happy birthday little one!
Yes, those blue eyes are wonderful! He is a cutie pie.
Gotta love the cute kid too!
Happy Birthday to the young one!
Happy MidWeek Blues, Carletta!
Happy birthday!
And Carletta, I love that big cupcake.
Our KP had a big cupcake for her first also:
KP's First Birthday with Big Cupckake
Looks a little mischievous (and I should know the look:) ) to me.
Well Happy Birthday, big guy! How can you not love these BIG blue eyes?
He is so cute! Happy birthday litte sweetie!
I tried to leave a comment here last night and felt like it didn't take...I clicked submit and a whole new window came up! Never had it happen like that.
Anyway, cannot believe how he has grown...he is adorable. He has beautiful eyes.
Beautiful oops, handsome, little guy! Those eyes are killers!
WOW! He's a big boy now-and those blue eyes are awesome!!
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