It snowed again last night and the ground is covered in a blanket of about three inches of newfallen show. Today the sky is filled with blue and white clouds and the sun is shining brightly making everything glisten.
The photos I took last night when the snow began falling didn't come out well so I'm posting this one I shot Christmas evening in Virginia when 14 inches of the white stuff fell.This is straight out of the camera and taken with my new 50 mm lens. I like how the light that was there and my flash outlined the Jeep. The red glow of the brake light is the reflection of the flash on the light itself. The brakes weren't on.
Not your typical reflection photo; but I'm loving this shot!
For more Weekend Reflections join James here.
Terrific shot for the day, Carletta! It is fun to get the different ones now and then, isn't it? Glad you're having some sunshine -- it's raining here AGAIN today! They're promising nearly a week of sunshine starting tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see it!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
I love the look of the house in the backdrop....so peaceful-ha, snow has a way of fooling us into "peaceful" thoughts.
I'm loving this shot too :)
wonderful light
and the snowflakes look huge
On voit chaque flocon, presque rond ! Bravo !
My favorite time to see snow is when it is falling. I got almost the same picture, Carletta, from here last night. We didn't get but about an inch --but it was pretty while it lasted.
Great picture... Enjoy it.
Stunning artwork, I loved this picture, the snow is a plus in pictures, indeed!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg
So pretty! I have a new 50mm lens too! Aren't they great?!
Love this one Carletta. We don't have snow (not much) here in Michigan but it's just too cold we are in 9F. Happy weekend!
A droplet
I love the effect here, very artsy looking. And the snowflakes falling are beautiful.
Terrfic shot! I can almost feel how cold it was there!
Beautiful Carletta! What I love most next to the mood in this pic are the snowflakes in midair -they're big!
This is my type of shot! I love night shots and I love snow shots, and both combined cannot be beat.
This is a great looking picture! LOL- but looks sooo cold!!
(I've had enough cold for one winter and am ready for spring!!!)
You did a wonderful job getting this photo -- I know how difficult it is to get a nighttime picture of falling snow.
Love that you caught the snowflakes and the dusting of the white stuff. It's beautiful!
Beautiful shot, Carletta.
I particularly like the image of the snowflakes falling.
have a lovely weekend!
That is a neat picture Carletta. You are very creative.
Simply beautiful
That is such a lovely capture of snowing... Well done !
A beautiful picture! I don't often see pictures of the snow FALLING. That was nice to see and brought back magical childhood memories of watching it come down.
I love this picture! Beautiful, like a picture from a story book.
I like this shot too! It's magic!
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