

I added a Kim Klassen texture called peeling paint to the image of the petunia and even though the texture seems a little heavy I like it. It reminds me of old fashioned vintage wallpaper.

Don't you love the quiet and introspective of a foggy day?

This is a heartshaped pin given to me by my best friend Doris a few years ago.
The back is heartshaped and layered with buttons.

A little snow, some milk, some sugar, a drop or two of vanilla -viola, snowshake - YUM!

Long before CD's and IPods came along there were eight track tapes. I bought this player with money from the first job I ever had. The three tapes you see of Carole King and The Carpenters got played more times during my college years than anything else I had. The player still works. To quote The Carpenters, "It's yesterday once more".......
For more Scavenger Hunt Sunday join Ashley
I love your fog, beverage froth AND that seventies put a smile on my face!! :D
That fog shot is awesome!!
You really do mean 'snow' don't you!! (for a second I just thought it was a groovy name for ice cream). The northern hemisphere is so cool (no pun intended!!).
Love the 8 track shot (love the carpenters!!)
I love the foggy picture. So quiet and serene. Technology changes more rapidly these days.
Snow cream....I can remember my mom making that when I was a kid. I always loved it because we didn't get ice cream so it was a real treat.
Wonderful job - I really love your texture and fog shots!
Thanks for the memories -- snow cream and eight-track players. I remember both very well. I also really like your fog picture. You did a great job on this scavenger hunt.
LOVE your fog shot! And how cool to have that seventies collection!
I like the texture over the pansy a lot, and the button pin is beautiful.
Hope your Sunday is peaceful!
Oh my goodness. LOVE your pictures. I am totally going to make a snowshake for my son this week : ) That will float his boat : ) Have a wonderful week. Too bad you can't listen to any of that music! Love, Becky
Nice photos, I love the buttons, and the classic 8 track cassette player. I liked the idea of a snow shake too. We used to have snow ice cream, but never as a shake.
Your 70's shot is classic... we had one of those when I was a kid!! lol! love the fog shot... and yes... they do make you think don't they...
Hi Carletta, I had an 8-track player in my car in the '70's... I loved that thing .. And the Carpenters was one tape that I had..... Don't know what happened to all of those old tapes---but I felt so special driving that Camaro with the music blaring... ha
Bet your snow drink was delicious also. AND--i love your button heart pin..
Great post... Love the fog.
Beautiful fog shot...great texture & great take on 70's!! :)
That was fun! I enjoyed all your photos, and those 8 tracks! Wow! What a blast from the past! It REALLY brought back memories!
I love these pics!!!
Love your fog shot! We made snow cream this week too!! =P
I love this picture. Carol King and the Carpenters, timeless. I love your music as well on the playlist. I am playing it now while traveling to other blogs.
The Carpenters was my best friends favorite I think....back then I liked them and Carole K. but not my favorite...in later years Carole King came out with an album I think the name is City Streets...can recall for sure. But City Streets is one of my all time favorite songs...and I really liked the whole album. That was back in the time of cassette and I have it in that...need to see if I can download some of the songs though. Think I looked at one time and they weren't available but they might be now.
Beautiful texture work, and I love that pin!
Rainy Days and Monday always get me down..... :)
Love that you have a working 8 track player - How cool!
and the rest of your shots are spot-on too!
the fog shot is lovely and i like the heart-shaped pin too.
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