Saturday, September 4, 2010

Camera Critters: Dust Bunny and Baby Turkeys

What am I doing here you ask?
Rolling in the dirt....ahhhhhh!
Nibbling on the grass with a friend!
A baby turkey update...

A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture (here) of the baby turkeys who have visited my yard all summer. That photo was taken on July 15th. I took the above photo August 30th. In just a short month and a half they have gone from toddlers to young adults. Their tail and wing feathers have lost their soft downy look and the pattern of the feathers are now pronounced and mimic mamas. However, they are still mama's babies and only about five months old. If you look closely I think she's telling them to come on along!

For more Camera Critters join Misty here.


Anonymous said...

Those baby rabbits are just adorable!

Indrani said...

Ah! Such lovely captures. :)

Pat said...

I enjoyed all the photos, but these first two are just priceless!

Wifey10 said...

oh the rabbit must be so tired ina n all day hopping.hehe..great capture!Good day..

Eds said...

Oh my the first rabbit looks lazy lol! Great entry! :)

Mine is here : Beauty of Nature

judi/Gmj said...

lovin' the music today and the turkeys are wildly stunning!

Anonymous said...

Gosh they sure do grow up fast. Amazing. Funny that rabbit rolling in the dirt LOL What great captures. Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend :)

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely chronicle of the baby turkeys Carletta. And those bunnies were so cute. Thanks for stopping by my bald-headed Blue Jay post, and for the input you gave. Have a great week.
An English Girl Rambles

Anonymous said...

Thats a cute title with the dust bunny. Love it.

Jane said...

Aww what a sweetie, he looks like he is having a great time. Thanks for posting them Carletta:)

Ingrid said...

The rapid has the same position as a lazy cat ! lol !

Dianne said...

I was going to say the same thing Gattina said :)
I've never seen rabitts pose like that, it's adorable

JunieRose2005 said...

What great nature pictures, Carletta!

:) I'd love to visit your back yard!

Mimi said...

The first shot reminds me of Crash, the rabbit we had till last year. He used to lie on the ground when it was warm- his electric blanket!
In the last shot, the Mom turkey absolutely looks as though she's saying "come on, we need to hurry home for dinner", and typical, one is listening and looking, the other is oblivious!

Dimple said...

We have turkeys here, too, but I never see rabbits. Your bunnies are cute!

Janie B said...

So cute! You must live way out to have so many critters to photograph. They always look so serene.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I almost can't believe you got that great series of bunny pictures == but it's you, so of course I believe it!
Those baby turkeys grow up too fast.

The flag reflection in the post below was great too, esp. for this Holiday weekend.

(alive and well in Williamsburg, where we even have great Internet connection.)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little bunnies, Carletta... And those turkeys have really grown... Amazing...

Have a fabulous Sunday.

George said...

Your yard is a wonderful place to find camera critters. The bunnies are all cute, even if one is rolling in the dirt.

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

Amazing how fast they grew. love the bunnies.

kayerj said...

enjoy your critter shots :)

SquirrelQueen said...

The bunnies are so cute (I love your post title). The young turkeys are growing up fast.

Suburban Girl said...

They do look more like mama! I like the 'dust bunnies' too.

Gretchen said...

Thanks for sharing another step in their lives.

Lina Gustina said...

Cute bunny....
The turkeys are growing so fast, right?

Thanks for dropping by, Carletta...

Willard said...

An excellent group of photographs, Carletta. I like to see the rabbits rolling in the dirt. I have seen that on numerous occasions too.

Janice Thomson said...

Great captures - have not seen a rabbit rolling in the dirt - delightful shot.

Rose said...

I have one question--can I come sit in your yard for a while?

Manz said...

don't think I've seen a rabbit chilling out like that... enjoyed your post :)

Craver Vii said...

I have never seen bunnies roll in the dirt that way. I wonder why they do that. Do you suppose it didn't like a smell from rubbing mint leaves or something?