Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend Reflections

Hubs and I found ourselves in Gallipolis, Ohio this past Monday afternoon. I had researched the town and found that you could overlook the town and river by driving to a local cemetery. This shot is the view we saw looking down at the town and the Ohio River. We were standing on the Ohio side looking back across to West Virginia. In the background of the photo you can see the Memorial Silver Bridge we crossed over to get into Ohio. I originally posted about the bridge's past disaster in this post.

Looking down from the cemetery I saw these reflections along the bank of the river.
We spent some moments enjoying the view and as I went to pull away from my parking spot I glanced into the rearview mirror and this was the reflected view behind me.

For more Weekend Reflections join James here.


Neal said...

That is pretty...BTW, the top photo wouldn't enlarge for me.
No, I'll never give up on you...just hoped everything was okay.
BTW, when I drive my mirror always shows the road behind me...not the sky. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

H Carletta, Gorgeous pictures... SO---you were very close to THREE states... That is neat... Gallipolis looks like a neat little town--and you got some great pictures.

We have a gorgeous, COOL morning up here (64 degrees)... First in a LONG time... yeah!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

nice to see you in thom's place.

George said...

I really like your first picture, although, like Neal, I couldn't get it to enlarge. Both of your reflection pictures are wonderful, but I really like the sky in your rear-view mirror.

Dianne said...

beautiful scenes!!
I love the sky in your car mirror
isn't it wonderful when you can capture moments like that :)

Malyss said...

The last one makes me think of a Magritte's painting!

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures as always, Carletta! Love the reflections in the water! And the mirror view is perfect! Hope your have a great weekend! Enjoy!


judi/Gmj said...

Ah it seems you have captured the last strains of a piece-full summer.. autumn will be here soon.

Anonymous said...

Love that shot of the town and river.

Anonymous said...

These are just awesome my friend. I love each and everyone of them. I love how peaceful the second one really is and the last one is just perfect. It's like it was painted on the glass. Excellent. Have a wonderful Friday :)

Unknown said...

Wow, love the last photo, how beautiful to just have clouds in the mirrow.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the view of the town and river, Carletta. The photo of the clouds in the mirror is fabulous!

Pat said...

I love the reflections, but especially your side view mirror! If only it ALWAYS looked like that, huh?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely series -- you will have me starting to look out the rearview mirror more often!

Carol said...

Nice shot of the town and Ohio River; you had a good vantage point. Good reflection shots also.

Dimple said...

Nice shots, I like the way rearview mirrors show what you don't expect!
Thanks for coming by!

Gine said...

J'aime bien le ciel dans le rétroviseur ! Plein de réminiscences ... Belle idée.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

your rear mirror tells you that the weather is fine where you just left it.

Ingrid said...

Very nice reflections, my favourite is the last one in the mirror ! looks so creative !
I am back home !

jabblog said...

Wonderful reflections. I like the last one very much - what a pretty sky.

Ebie said...

What a great vantage view! And the landscape is just pretty! the clouds reflected looks so happy!

Enjoy your weekend!

James said...

The sky in the mirror is so cool!

Rose said...

That sure is some view from the cemetery!