Two blue chairs aloneThe shade tree offers respite
Summer resting place.

Hubs and I went for a drive Sunday on an unexplored country road. I saw these chairs under a tree and asked him to stop so I could get a quick picture. I've always loved the old metal lawn chairs and remember them from my childhood. I like the peeling paint and the rust on these blue ones and it looks like they were yellow in a previous life. When I downloaded the pics I kept staring at that yellow paint and kept noticing something which is why I've done a very tight crop on the chairs for you. Do you see them? Do you see what I saw? Look closely. How much do you want to bet that those two square sections are pieces of masking tape that at one time told the price of these chairs at some yard sale or flea market? I just had to smile at that thought but I wonder how much they were and wished I had been the one to find them.
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These chairs remind me of my grandmother's front porch when I was very young.
I remember chairs just like these at my grandparent's cottage, and they were pale yellow. Then just last week I saw some, in pretty bad shape, at an antique store and they wanted $40 each.
I so remember these from my days with mt Grandparents. I bet you ate also so right about the yellow. Good thinking my friend. Love these and what great memories.
I noticed the price sticker square too! My gran had one & I am kicking myself for not asking for it after she passed... it is probably in the trash somewhere. Thanks for stopping last week & playing my Wednesday Wizards game.. You are one of the winners! Yippee! You are now entitles to grab the Wizards Badge & proudly display it on your blog to show of how smart you are ;) hope you come back & play again! Faythe @GMT
I remember these chairs too. I often see a pair sitting under a shade tree here in Georgia. I bet you are right about the tape and the price!
You can find these kinds all around our little old Vermont :)
Hi Carletta, We had some chairs just like these on our terrace in the home where I grew up... Those old chairs brought back so many memories. Glad you saw them and took pictures... NEAT!!!
I haven't seen metal chairs like these in quite some time. These are a great find.
They are not matching, so most likely, like you say, they are bought in a flea market.
It's so long since I saw such metal chairs! And I'm not sure that I've ever seen blue ones like this! Very special! Great photos!
Just last month when I was visiting my mother I hauled off a swing glider that had double chairs like this that had been sitting in Mom's yard for about 40 years. They were the color of rust and the seats were beginning to wear through. I thought of the many times we had sat in that glider and the stories that were told and the smiles that were evoked. says 39 cents on those tags. :)
You don't see very many all metal chairs any more.
Love this photo, and I also remember sitting in chairs just like these and bouncing up and down a bit. They look so inviting.
It is indeed very pretty!! Love the color too!
Blue water
Forgot to say I like your haiku!
I like that old look with the yellow peeking through the blue. Good catch with the masking tape. I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.
I love their 'age spots'
It's amazing the things you notice when you're out and about. I wonder who left them there and are they homeless now?
My parents had chairs like this! I love the blue color!
Somebody probably sold those for a little bit of nothing! They do remind me of when I was a kid -- and so much more character these have than those ubiquitous plastic abominations. Chairs with character are on our list of things to get for our deck when we get back to FL
What a great photo! These chairs also reminded me of my grandmother's house. I was only about 10 when she died, but she must have had these in her yard.
Carletta, did you mean these chairs to be yard Art? They sure could be... :)
My neighbor has purchased several from yard sales. She paints each one a different bright color and makes seating areas in her garden. It is adorable.
Good shot. Wonderful chairs, I wish I'd found them too!
I like those chair too! Rustic and wonderful!
Love the chairs Carletta!
I don't go to many yard sales, but when I do or when I pass any, I always look first for toys for Lorelei, and always have my eye out for chairs like this. They just don't make them this good now.
Great post! I love that yard chair!
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