Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weekend Reflections

I took this in April in early spring on my way to the nursery to pick out flowers for my garden. This little creek beckons to be explored when we go by and ever since we first found it we always stop to see what it has to offer. On this day a couple of geese swam upstream and just below where I took the picture the water flowed gently over smooth pebbles and rugged rocks.
I was sitting and staring at the creekbank's reflection when I decided to flip the image to better see what was actually reflected. As I sat and looked at this new perspective I imagined I had been walking and was standing in front of an amber colored shield and if I just walked through I would be in another dimension.
What can I say! I am a Sci-fi fan!
For more reflections join James here.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Carletta, I love both of those reflection pictures. Walk through that second one ---and tell me where you get to. WOW!!!!

Show us some pictures of that neat creek in the summer...


mactheweb said...

I'm all for trying your dimensional doorway, though I'm a Sci-fi fan, too.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm not a sci-fi fan (or at least I didn't think so until now) but I have the same kind of thoughts when I look into this kind of reflection! It IS like there's a whole other world in there. 'Hmmm....maybe I better add some Sci-Fi to my library list!

Sylvia K said...

Love your reflections for the day, Carletta! Be fun to see the same place in the summer! Like the idea of the dimensional doorway, too! Hope you have a great weekend!


Carolyn Ford said...

I am always tempted to turn some reflections right side up too so viewers don't have to crank their heads over. This must be a great row of trees beside the water...go ahead, walk through to the next dimension and tell us what's there! :)

Cezar and Léia said...

I think it's fabulous, I like the reflections trees and these different colours!
Happy Weekend,
Léia - BONJOUR LUXEMBOURG and this week also Luna - our kitty from WE LOVE LUNA

Regina said...

Beautiful reflections Carletta.
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think I would want to walk through that scene too - if only to admire the scenery on the other side!

I like the inverted reflections. Cool effect - one I'll have to try sometime!

Pat said...

I always love to see the trees reflected in calm water. Such a peaceful feeling! Wonderful reflection!

Suburban Girl said...

Maybe you'll find Narnia one day! Lovely imagination you have.

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks so peaceful. I like turning the scene around too, it's easier to enter the inter dimensional door that way. Sci-fi fan here too!

Rose said...

Roger is a Sci-Fi fan also...I used to like it but not to the extent he did...kind of worn out on them. However, I do like this pic..and i like it better turned around.

Dimple said...

This is one reflection that I like better flipped, it's beautiful!

Have a great weekend!

Becky said...

What a cool shot Carletta. I had thought about doing this with my reflection picture today, and think I should just to see what transpires.
Have a wonderful week-end.

Ebie said...

Love the soft touch and colors. The water reflection looks like a frosted glass.

The rugged rocks add depth to the scene.

Enjoy your weekend!

Dianne said...

I love the tree
and the amber color

penny said...

Lovely reflective words and photos, Carletta. I like how the trees appear to growing in the water.

Nicely done.

Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful you have the whole tree in the reflection. Great capture!

JunieRose2005 said...

loved this picture and post!! :)


EG CameraGirl said...

You made the muddy water look good, Carletta!

Inday said...

Wow, that is truly awesome!