The finch are continuing to take all they can get from the feeders. They are beginning to lose most of their molten look and are becoming a more vibrant yellow. On drab days I can pick them out in the branches where they sit and patiently wait their turn to eat.
The Red Leafed Plum tree lost most of its blooms to the wind and snow earlier in the week. Soon a tree of lush red leaves will grace the front yard landscape.

The 'matchstick' buds of the Verbena are slowly bursting into bloom. 
The Wisteria buds are beginning to get fuzzy - at least those in the sunshine. As a surveyed the branches I found a leaf somehow how gotten caught between the branches and formed this little hood over one of the stems and kept it warm all winter.
The Wisteria buds are beginning to get fuzzy - at least those in the sunshine. As a surveyed the branches I found a leaf somehow how gotten caught between the branches and formed this little hood over one of the stems and kept it warm all winter.
As I finish typing I can hear thunder rolling in the distance. Little warmer temperatures tomorrow and a little more ran and I bet I'll find spring branching out in other directions as well.
For more Nature Notes please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods by clicking here or the badge in my post.
I have to say you are such an awesome photographer. These should be published in some type of art book. It is truly amazing to me how quickly Spring starts to mature, and even with a little set back, it flourishes quickly. It is such a wonderful site to behold :)
It's great to see spring busting out all over. I love the smell of fresh mowed grass. Mmmmm...
I enjoyed this, Carletta. I am so glad spring is really starting to show its face.
We too had the snow for a couple of days and I am so happy that it is gone. You are way ahead of us if you were able to mow your lawn. Our is just getting green again. Thank you so much for sharing some of your spring for Nature Notes, I really enjoy these posts... Michelle
Great photos, but that first shot is especially beautiful.
Carletta: Beautiful captures of Spring, I'm waiting to turn the bend and get out of these 20's at night.
You got some beautiful pictures in your yard. I'm glad Spring is arriving at Round the Bend, and I look forward to many more gorgeous pictures.
Your photos are gorgeous! I love your introduction into spring with such a wonderful variety of beauty!
Wonderful photos. I can't wait to see your pictures (and read your wonderful words) as Spring and Summer evolve and bring new growth.
It is such a relief when the signs of spring finally start to appear and you have captured those early signs perfectly - great post.
Gorgeous photos and beautiful post as always. Have a wonderful weekend.
Beautiful Carletta...
I enjoy watching the finches wait in line to drink and bath at my creek. They hang out on a completely dead tree which I will never cut down!
These are beautiful, Carletta.
Each one so filled with mood, and spring beginnings.
The awakening of life is so well synchronized with Easter in your part of the world.
Beautiful spring shots!! Goodbye ole man winter!
Happy Easter Carletta. Beautiful shot of spring in your neck of the woods!
Beautiful pictures, Carletta!
You are just a little behind me. But we get to enjoy it twice.
My wisteria got frost bit and I lost all my blooms. But they were beautiful while they lasted.
It's so wonderful spring has arrived. Loved looking at all your blooms. Such lovely photos you take Carletta!
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