Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sky Watch: A Tiny Touch Of Blue

Along with most of the country in the United States we have been bracing for days for an Arctic blast of very cold temperatures. The skies have been gray for many days with snowfall off and on and just a rare glance of blue sky. As I type it is 16 degrees outside with a windchill of seven and light flurries but is expected to get more bitterly cold tonight. That's only my little corner of the world. Others will no doubt be colder.
Here's hoping no matter where you are you find a little warmth to fill your day.

To see more beautiful skies from around the world please click the badge at the top of my post.


EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, the cold air is on it's way, Carletta. It's very cold here! Well below zero Fahrenheit. BUT the Arctic air also brought sunshine and blue skies. ;-)

Rose said...

Sounds like you are getting the weather we had yesterday. It was all of 5 above a little bit ago. However, the sun is out bright and the sky has been so blue today. Headed for below zero tonight though. If you get out in it, be careful.

bobbie said...

16 is just too darned cold!'

But your photo is lovely.

Stay warm.

Rune Eide said...

There is snow in that one!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Hi Carletta

Wonderful sky!


Unknown said...

We won't have snow, but we will have another visit or two for Mr. Jack Frost himself!!

Louise said...

That's a great sky! It has much more depth than first meets the eye. Terrific capture.

Photo Cache said...

I really feel for you who has to endure freezing temps and here we are getting unseasonably warm temps.

Som mine dager er said...

Oh yeah.... and welcome to Norway! As we speek we have minus 16 degrees outside my door ;-)

Great capture, Carletta.


Steffi said...

Here in Germany is it cold too...Great photos!Have a nice weekend!

Dewdrop said...

I think that warrants a Brrr... for sure. Great framing on your capture... hope you get warmth and blue skies soon! Stay warm!

bowledover said...

We have been cold but not as cold as you have had it. Hope it lifts soon. Love your picture.

judi/Gmj said...

Expressive photo. I now feel guilty at a balmy 39 degrees outside. I wish you warmth of heart and hearth.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty and comforting, because at first I thought I was looking at my own sky, just stepping out my front door! It's interesting how weather and region affect the skies. (I also live on the E. Coast.)

imac said...

Cool photo, captured well.

Gill - That British Woman said...

we too have skies that look like that, I guess we are sharing the cold, cold weather.......

Gill in Canada

Neal said...

I think it got up to a whopping high of 4 today!! As I am writing this it is 1 below and falling. Just think we're 1 below right now and Fairbanks, Alaska is that makes a lot of sense. :)

Dr.John said...

It was 21 below here this morning. That's cold.

Anonymous said...

Brrr. What a foreboding weather cast. Hope you stay nice and cozy warm wherever you are :0)
Your sky looks active...

Neal said...

BTW Carletta, I have tagged you .... see my blog for details. :)

George Townboy said...

Great photo! It's already plummeted to 51 as I comment, and it's supposed to get down near freezing, with a wind chill in the 20's! This is Florida? LOL

Anonymous said...

Cloudy but beautiful. We have clouds and rain and cold also here.
Have a great week

Patricia said...

Great shot!! beautiful photo!!
You are having a very cold winter huy? must be nice to enjoy a hot cup of chocolate or coffe!! mmmm
I am sending some sunshine from here ok?
have a very happy weekend!!

Linda said...

That sounds really really cold and those skies look cold - maybe you'll be able to get some really good snow pictures. Stay warm!

Leora said...

Your cloud looks like a little man trying to run away from the cold. Stay warm!

Arija said...

Oh please don't wish me more warmth W are sweltering with temperatures over 100F, a roaring burning wind and no water. Whlie you are getting one extreme, we are getting the other.

Barbara said...

The chilly air make sitting by a nice fire in the fire place very comforting. Enjoy the shot.
Smiles B

Anonymous said...

Cold? Well, it will probably get down to 60F tonight. The locals think that's cold (it's all relative). What we have is high wind -- in fact the campus is CLOSED tomorrow, classes canceled and all but essential personnel asked to stay home, because of the high wind warning. My lights are flickering ....

Leedra said...

Where is global warming when we need it? It is 7 right now, and I live in the south.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra

Small City Scenes said...

You sky looks like the sky out this way. Come take a look. MB

Niina said...

Interesting glow! =) Happy SWF.

Ingrid said...

This kind of sky we have quite often here above Brussels !
Today however it's all grey !

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi Carletta! I have missed you and your blog but I am back now & on a roll! LOL It is cold here too. We had a wind chill of 11 this morning. I will be catching up on your blog this weekend.

Jientje said...

It's not that cold any more this week in Belgium. I'm really starting to count the days till spring now!! But the picture is just lovely, and I enjoyed the sepia too. You're right about that one, the coloured one shows off the pretty colours of the toy, thanks for adding it!

maryt/theteach said...

Brrr! It's cold here today, Carletta! I'm glad you're stuck on sepia! :)

maryt/theteach said...

I hung around to listen to Rod Stewart... Love him singing the oldies!! :)

juliana said...

that's more blue than we've got in days...
hope you stay warm!

Mamapippa ... said...

I like the tops of the trees in the photo !
Have a nice weekend !

Anonymous said...

A tiny touch of blue, just enough to break the grey, huray.

Anonymous said...

Your sky is beautiful and I suspect it came from over WVA. Nice.

And thanks for stopping and commenting on my blogs.