Monday, January 12, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: A Wooden Snowman

It's time to post a photo with a little bit of red or a lot of red. Today I'm posting a photo of my wooden snowman that I hang on my fireplace at Christmas and leave for awhile during the winter. Since we had a slight covering of snow last night I thought he was a good choice to share with you. He has red berries around his hat and a warm checkered black and red flannel scarf. Not that he needs a hat and scarf hanging out by the fireplace!

A Closeup
Just Hanging Out
For more posts with the Ruby Tuesday theme please click on the badge at the top of my post.


Dr.John said...

Now who else would have thought of a snowman for red.

Twisted Fencepost said...

He's adorable!
I have a growing collection of snowmen.

Mojo said...

A snowman hanging out by the fire?

No that's a weight loss program!

Felisol said...

Cute snowman.
If he "lived" in Norway, he'd be stuffed away tomorrow.
It is Twentieth Day of Christmas.
Then comes Santa Knute and hurries Christmas out.
From Felisol

Sylvia K said...

I love him! Love his "ruby red" scarf! What a great shot! Thanks so much for sharing!

Ralph said...

The red tartan scarf is the classic finishing touch on a snowman. Clad in snow or wood, the final details make the man! Or snowman!

EG CameraGirl said...

He looks very festive! He looks like the kind of snowman who'd like to hang around for a while so why put him away?

Pia K said...

What a sweetie, with his blushing cheeks.

judi/Gmj said...

I like his hanging out spot, I like him period.

MyMaracas said...

Great snowman, really cute.

Anonymous said...

That snowman is cute!

My RT post is here if you want to visit it. I'd be glad if you do. Thanks!

Rose said...

I like Mojo's thoughts! I wish it was that simple for me!

We are supposed to get an inch or two of snow over the next day or so, but I have come to the conclusion I will believe it when I see it!

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie! I can see why you like to leave him out. I bet he flirts with the ladies.

Anonymous said...

Snowman has got a beautiful red scarf :P

Anonymous said...

jolie bonhomme de neige

MaR said...

Cute snowman!!

Leedra said...

I can't bear to put my snowmen up, they are still decorating the house. I do this every year, they stay out after all the Christmas decorations are put away.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra

Laura said...

Cute post!

Anonymous said...

This is cute!

Anonymous said...

I really like your wooden snowman. My wife collects things similar to this and stands or sets or hangs them on the wall that surrounds the former fireplace.

Rose of Sharon bloom
Morning Glory bloom
Hawk stalks and kills sparrow
Drunk bumblebees

Melli said...

HE is adorable! You have such great decorations!

You must have missed my Moonrise post - that's where I announced that Gattina thought I was having a midlife crisis - but that since I had already had ONE about 2 years ago - I must be lucky to get TWO!!! :)

Have a great day Carletta!

ellen b. said...

The snowman with that red scarf is so darn cute. I love snowmen...they always make me smile!

Anonymous said...

I love this adorable snowman with a bit of red! Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Ivanhoe said...

He is a cutie! He would need a scarf at my neck of the woods. We have temps close to zero coming in for next few days. Brrrrr...

Ingrid said...

That's a cute snowman !!

JunieRose2005 said...

He's very cute-and perfect decorations for the next several weeks!

I like snowmen too-have a lot that I have made of papier mache!
(didn't get them out this year, tho!)


Mary said...

He's a very cute snowman! Perfect bit of red and cheer for the season1

Jientje said...

A perfect wintery decoration, I love him!

Mamapippa ... said...

I love his red flannel scarf. Nice and warm in these cold days !

Becky said...

What a cute little guy! I often keep snow figures out after Christmas for a while.
Happy RT.

juliana said...

ha, this one made me smile. but i could use his scarf ;)

Dianne said...

He's adorable :)

Raven said...

What a cool snow dude!

Sherrie said...

He's really cute! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!


Patti said...

Ooh, I love him. Snowmen are so cool. ;-)
I have quite a collection.
Yes, I like gnomes and snowmen and things.

Happy belated Ruby Tuesday!