Monday, January 19, 2009

Ruby Tuesday Meets Tom Clark Gnomes

It's time once again for posting something with a little bit of red or a lot of red. Last week our hostess Mary of Work of The Poet suggested we try macros with red. I have chosen to post a couple of macro shots of the gnomes from one of my Tom Clark figurines. I have collected these figurines for many years.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark is the lead artist for Cairn Studio, LTD. Dr. Clark is a prolific and talented sculptor in the figurine industry and is a native of North Carolina where his studio is located. Each of his creations is a limited edition.

Isn't this a friendly face!
The Figurine
"Dr. Clark imbues every creation with his personal philosophy that "the universe is basically friendly". His Gnomes and Woodspirits "show a dignity that comes from a life of worth", and he feels that his creations are successful if they make you smile!"

I hope these little faces have made you smile today.

For more friendly happenings please click the badge at the top of my post to join Mary and the other participants joining in Ruby Tuesday.


Kerri Farley said...

Oh...they are fabulous! What a talented man!!

EG CameraGirl said...

They did indeed make me smile, Carletta.

Anonymous said...

Very great macro shot! Oh yes, he looks very friendly!

Mine is here. Good morning!

maryt/theteach said...

The gnomes are so sweet-looking, Carletta! Yes I think anything goes next week...for Ruby Tuesday! :)

Rose said...

They are wonderful! I have thought about you off and on all day--hope you feel better. My oldest daughter used to suffer with migraines and I know they are no fun.

Robin said...

Those sweet figures certainly did make me smile today.

Dr.John said...

I love the pictures and the gnomes. They are friendly indeed.

judi/Gmj said...

he and you have made me smile. I love the smiles and music.

Ralph said...

There is wonderful character designed into those smiling Santas. Who couldn't grin at these guys?

akawest said...

He is happy looking. You did a wonderful job in capturing him.

Jan said...

Yes, I'm smiling. Great post and photos.

Anonymous said...

Those wonderfully sculpted people have faces full of joy! I would love to populate my home with them!

dot said...

What happy little faces. I love them!

Anonymous said...

Amusing little men!

Felisol said...

They are so vivid, I might like to talk with them. The wonderful smile and the wise look in their eyes.
The contrast to the well molded, but very stiff wooden horse and these super lively little men was stunning.
From Felisol

Ingrid said...

They have a face that makes smile !

Becky said...

Excellant post Carletta. I have an extensive collection of TC gnomes, and I love them. I have one in my blogger picture in my profile, and I've done posts on them before.
Happy RT.

George Townboy said...

Very nice, Carletta - awesome collection you have there!

Catherine said...

Sometimes we search very far a red find, while we get so many at hand !
What a nice idea, Carletta, to send us these funny smiling faces for Ruby Tuesday. And thanks to make me discover this artist at the same time.
You get many others ?

Dianne said...

wonderful faces!

you captured them perfectly

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Yes, smiles all around!

I used to think gnomes were kinda creepy... guess I wasn't looking at the right ones :P

Melli said...

Ohhh these are darling! Wonderful macro rubies!

Pietro Brosio said...

Very fine figurines, Carletta!
They are so happy and friendly!

juliana said...

they look so cheerful :)

Linnea said...

Those are deliciously charming! Happy RT from California.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Those are wonderful little hobbits, loved the music. That is one of my favs on DVD.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta, they look friendly. Nice entry for RT!

Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I love these gnomes!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta, I like your Gnomes. They made me smile today.
Happy RT!
Oh yes, after a long absence I did an RT myself this week.

Janice Thomson said...

Gnomes add so much to a garden - love these Carletta. Great photos.

Jientje said...

They are so friendly!!! Of course they made me smile, lovely!

Patti said...

these little gnome faces have certainly made me smile today!
(notice my profile photo, lol)

He is a talented artist.

Thanks for sharing your collection. Happy Belated Ruby Tuesday, Carletta!

(I'm always late it seems)