Saturday, January 10, 2009

Camera Critter: You Lookin' At Me?

This lovely critter was making its way up the hill from the woods toward my flower bed on Tuesday. We sort of had a mutual staring contest. Be sure to enlarge to see the beautiful face of my visitor.
I took this Friday afternoon of one near the same spot.

Be sure to click the badge at the top of my post to visit Misty and other Camera Critter participants. You never know what you'll see.


Ingrid said...

How adorable ! I wished I would have such a visitor

Willard said...

Wonderful shots. I'm glad that the deer are still coming to see you.

Also an excellent sky watch series.

Rose said...

Deer are just so beautiful and gentle looking. You are so blessed to be where you can watch them from your home.

Neal said...

I just love the bottom shot when enlarged. The background is out of focus and the deer looks in perfect focus so she really stands out.

Neal said...

BTW, did you get a new camera for Christmas or were you good enough last year for Santa to remember you? :)

George Townboy said...

Great shots! They love you.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Those are some beautiful creatures.
Wish I was home more to enjoy them here on the farm.

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to be able to see deer not laying over a car or thrown in the back of a pickup. I like them best when they are alive and free and living as good as they can in what has become a completely un-natural environment for them. Your photos of these two show very different expressions and faces. Nice post.

Abe Lincoln Blogs
Abraham Lincoln's Blog

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Stunning capture of the deer, nicely done friend.

Reader Wil said...

Excellent encounters! I wish I lived in a country where "The Deer and the Buffalo roam". We have so much water, that waterbirds are here in abundance!

KOSTAS said...

Hi Carleta
Happy New Year!
I wish for you Health and Peace in the all world!

i beati said...

you are so blessed to live where you do Sandy

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Fun that you got so close to them and got such great photos. Beautiful!

juliana said...

gosh, these guys (gals?) must love your place to come so close so often.
gorgeous photos!

Mimi said...

Great shots of beautiful animals!

Anonymous said...

Camera conscious eh? So cute especially the looking back pose!

Sherrie said...

Those are really great photos!! The staring is awesome! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great week-end!


Anonymous said...

Very handsome...or is it pretty? I suspect it's a doe. Good get!

Dr.John said...

I didn't mind them in the winter but when they came in the summer and ate my flowers that was another matter.

Dianne said...

mutual staring competition indeed! they have such beautiful faces!

ShannonW said...

Too beautiful!

Jane Hards Photography said...

He can visit me anytime. What a cutie

Anonymous said...

very cool, looks like a mule deer.

AppleDebbie said...

I love viewing your deer photos... you seem to have a knack for capturing the sweetest expressions on their faces. Wonderful post!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh he is gorgeous!! Great capture!

Unknown said...

Ah, it's cute,but stay away from the gardens!

EG CameraGirl said...

Are you luring them into you yard somehow? They seem so comfortable with being so close to you. They are so cute!

Unknown said...

Great shots of the deer.

And that first one does have a very cute face.. :-)

Tara said...

What a cutie!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Lovely photos of the deer, can never tire of seeing them. Today we ran into herds of them, might post them next week for CC

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I love deer. These are very nice photos. Have a wonderful week.

Reba said...

Whoof! Nice piktures of deer. I got in trouble fur barking when Mom was taking piktures of a deer one time. I would have liked to go running woof that deer cuz I had ridden in the truck fur a long time.

Pappy said...

Might be the same Doe coming back for more tasty morsels from your flower beds. Pappy

??? said...

The last picture is great. I just love their big, dark eyes.

Misty DawnS said...

Definitely a beautiful visitor! That's the kind of visitor I want!!!

Raven said...

Deer really do have such beautiful faces. There's something so gentle about them. I especially like your second photo with him looking over his shoulder. Beautiful sky watch pics too. Can't believe I didn't comment on them. I am so behind. Have just felt very blah the past few days.

Leedra said...

Always love the shots where the deer is looking back at you.

I have started a 2nd blog, hope you will choose to follow it. It is the one I will be posting daily, although I will still be using the original blog.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra