Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Watery Wednesday: Ice, Ice, ....

My post for Watery Wednesday is a little less traditional than what we usually see in the meme. With all the snow and cold weather we had this past week I was finally able to capture some icicles and other frozen images. I hope you enjoy.

This icicle was hanging from a patio chair. I thought it looked like some alien ice creature. The extension on the left reminds me of the Michelin Man's arm. Look closely, do you see his chubby fingers. The middle extension comes down into a clear shaped big shoe. Be sure to click to enlarge to see the detail.
This is a shot of my glass topped patio table.
A Closeup
I guess nature decided my chair arm needed to be wider. :)
This is a negative of another shot of the top of the table.
Evidence of water on the moon? Ha!

For more Watery Wednesday participants please click on the badge at the top of my post .


Dr.John said...

I never thought of taking pictures of the table on our deck. I did enjoy yours and may now take some of my own.

judi/Gmj said...

Cool, very very cool. :D

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Oh my goodness, these are beautiful photos! I'm so glad it hasn't been that cold here yet tho! Ice makes for amazing photos.

EG CameraGirl said...

I've been searching for icicles and have only found the small ones I posted last week. You beat me to the gigantic ones! ;-)

Melli said...

THIS is the stuff I enjoy about winter! If it's NOT like this, I think winter is a waste! LOL! GREAT shots! I love your Michelin Man icicle!

Leora said...

These are great, especially your first icicle. I thought about photographing some ice, but the main ice I saw was on our black garbage can lid. Not too pretty.

Lovely way to view the cold weather.

Kostas said...

Amazing post from….crystal!

Raven said...

Interesting series. I just love icicles. They fascinate me. That's a great icicle shot... my other favorite is the next to last picture. I don't like the cold that comes with this stuff but I read that out west it's minus 30 or some hideous number like that so I'm going to stop whining about the 20s for a day or two. Then I'll whine again. We are expecting 3-4 inches of snow tonight, I think. I favor snowfalls of one inch or less. So it goes. This is an awfully long comment, isn't it? Sorry.

Janice Thomson said...

I love the pattern of the ice on the patio table - awesome! Super series of photos.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Great icicle shot, Carletta!
I was thinking just the other day how I miss pulling down an icicle and eating it.
We don't get that much down here.

Anonymous said...

Icicles and Ice are so fun to look at. There is so much going on with the differing densities and how light is reflected and refracted. I can stare at them for hours. Great watery post.

Becky said...

I love ice pictures. There is always something interesting to see in every one of them. Great post!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet it was fun taking those pictures. I think they're great! Makes me want to drip some water in the freezer and see what happens. That's the only way I'm getting icicles.

lilly said...

Wow, amazing pics.

George Townboy said...

Gorgeous photos, Carletta! The only good reason for ice, lol.

Anonymous said...

I like your ice shots. I don't see the Michelin Man, I just saw a reason why -- finally -- I am glad I am not where you live!

Gill - That British Woman said...

wow great shots, all our patio furniture is stored away for Winter,

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

super wonderful pictures...u captured them wonderfully!


I have come here from Ms. Gattina's blogs. I have read/seen some of the posts. I would like to revisit.

If you like short stories and paintings, then a short visit to my blogs would be a refreshing one.

Naval Langa

Mojo said...

If you'll forgive the pun, these are incredibly cool! Especially the chair shots. Love 'em!

Ingrid said...

After having looked at your (beautiful) pictures, I had to put on another thick jacket ! I am freezing now !

Anonymous said...

These are great. I love the close-up shots of melting; something we normally wouldn't pay attention to - and miss the beauty of!

Connie T. said...

I live icecicle pictues, it looks like glass. Very nice pictures.

Allison said...

Beautiful! There is just something fascinating about ice and snow :)

Anonymous said...

Very clever..never would have thought of this kind of 'water', but I guess I will need to become more creative with winter here..but a (retired)special education teacher should be good at coming up with alternatives..lol...

Jan said...

Love these, isn't it great to think "outside the box"? The icicle is great.

kayleen said...

neat pictures of ice. brr it's cold!

Neal said...

Beautiful Carletta. It's so slick here this morning that I couldn't stand up on our sidewalk. It drizzled yesterday evening so everything is a glaze of ice.

juliana said...

gosh, these are great shots, but it all looks oh so cold!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat capture of natures ice sculptures. We look warm compared to you.

Shelly said...

I love your imaginative interpretations of the photos ;)...and yes I do see those Michelin Man chubby fingers..hehe.

Anonymous said...

I definitely saw "the man" in your first photo. Mother Nature is quite a sculptress!

Rose said...

I was going to say Cool Captures, but I think someone has probably beat me to it!

We keep getting just a misting of snow...no accumulation. But the roads are just sheets of ice today.

Jim said...

Hi Carletta. These are pretty. I could find an icicle from 2006 with Adi. So far this year it hasn't rained or been cold enough.

I guess we are all cutting back. You didn't do WW and I didn't do Ruby Red Tuesday this week. I won't next week either.

Merry Christmas if I don't get here before that!

Guy D said...

Fantastic and unique shots, I love these. Thanks for sharing.

Regina In Pictures

George said...

I like your icicle pictures and saw the Michelin Man without any problems. Your picture made me glad our deck furniture has been put up for the year -- I'd hate to have to do it now!

Anonymous said...

These are really very gorgeous. :)