Saturday, December 20, 2008

Camera Critters: Doves and A Hawk

Ms. Cardinal seemed to enjoy hiding out in the vines and pods of the wisteria branches. You may remember I posted the wisteria pods on Monday with a beautiful blue sky behind them (here). What a difference a day makes. I took this Tuesday after a couple of inches of new snow.
Doesn't he look plump!
Sing along with me now....
....two Mourning Doves
and a Hawk in an oak tree.
They were different oak trees and the doves were hiding when the hawk was out.
I posted a hawk shot last week that was also too far away and this is another hawk shot taken from too long a distance and through sliding glass doors. But, this hawk was in my yard, MY YARD I tell you. Isn't nature wonderful!!

To visit more critters click on the badge at the top of my post to visit Misty and the other participants. You never know what you'll see.


Rose said...

I like your captures for Camera Critters...not sure if I will get one up for CC. I had forgotten till I seen your post.

I bet you are looking forward to seeing your grandbaby again! Give Lily a hug from this soon to be grandma.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Neat tree capture of the birds, I will enater latter today.

Melli said...

I do LOVE your critters... and that you are able to get such GREAT clear shots of them! We had the 5 dear take a trek through our yard and our woods the other morning... and I tried sO hard to get a clear shot of them -- but it just was NOT happening! You have the PERFECT little spot!

Neal said...

Beautiful shots Carletta. That's the way I like to see snow .... on a computer screen. :)

JunieRose2005 said...


These are so beautiful! And the music is just perfect with your pictures.:)


Ingrid said...

Such beautiful pictures ! the poor little birds in this cold weather !

Juliana RW said...

lovely shots..

My CC entry this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

Teena in Toronto said...

They don't seem to mind the snow.

I played too :)

ratmammy said...

Such beautiful winter scenes! Blackie and Bob are back this week (well, Blackie is!)

Sherrie said...

Great photos!!! They all look rather cold! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a safe and happy holiday season.


Reader Wil said...

Lucky you, to have a hawk in your garden! I have only the odd duck.

Grammy said...

Wonderful photos I so love hawks is that a red tail?
Happy holidays

Chrissy said...

I love the camera critters you posted this week. I miss mourning doves and cardinals. I used to have lots of them at my bird feeder back in the mid-west.

George Townboy said...

You are too.

Great shots!

kayleen said...

i love seeing birds all fluffed up. happy holidays!

Michele said...

Nature really is WONDERFUL! I totally agree!
This is a great shot and I love your music!!
Mountain Retreat- Canada

Anonymous said...

Lovely winter bird shots! How lucky that you never had to leave your own yard!

Dr.John said...

Birds in my yard drive the dog nuts. Loved the pictures. Won't show them to the dog.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Two mourning doves! Good one, Carletta.

Jane Hards Photography said...

You do have some of the most beautful natural wildlife captures.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great shot and yup he is one plump critter
Happy Holidays

Unknown said...

There must be a bird feeder just outside the frame of the photo!

Becky said...

Birds against the white snow make for such good pictures. Those Hawks are so sneaky. They fly in so fast, grab a bird, and are gone in an instant.

Small City Scenes said...

I am sure the Hawk wanted to check out those plump Doves. I just love Cardinals--we don't have them out here and I have never seen one in real life. Oh well!! MB

Dora said...

It does look fat and so think it wont feel cold. ;)

KOSTAS said...

Splendid post with beloved and marvellous creatures!
Merry Christmas!

Dirkjogt said...

Lovely CC pictures, as usual. With the snow it's hard for the remaining birds.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder why all the birds don't head south for the winter...but glad to see those that stay have people like you tending to them a bit.

Linda said...

These are lovely pictures with the snow on the branches.

Anonymous said...

I have had a hawk here everyday and it always comes when I have my computer glasses on and can't see it very well...We are getting snow too.

Janice Thomson said...

Beautiful, beautiful bird photos. Love the cardinal one - we don't have them here so what a treat to see yours.

Raven said...

Well, I'm just purely, rottenly, extremely jealous of the hawk. I SO want a hawk of my own and lately we have been very bird poor...If I had a feeder, I might have some company but a feeder would require me to leave the house so... the price of my disability. The cardinal and dove pictures are lovely too. Have to admit that I love the way doves look but I can't stand the sound they make. No idea why. Happy holidays!

Misty DawnS said...

I think they are all plump this time of year. Great pics and a great post!

Ice Pony Girl said...

Doves are all fluffed up to stay warm.