Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sky Watch: Before Sunset

View From The Back Deck
View From The Front Porch
Fairytale Clouds

All of these were taken in the late afternoon last Thursday before the beginning of sunset as the sun was descending in the sky.

To see more sky views from around the world please join our hosts by clicking on the badge at the top of my post.


Quiet Paths said...

That light and cloud play is very nice; great captures.

SaraG said...

Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Take care

Anonymous said...

I love that first shot! Nicely captures!

Leedra said...

The first one is such an unusual color. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great photos; all of them.

Namnet said...

These are gorgeous. The colours of the clouds are so magical.
I love especially the second photo - the tree looks like in fire thanks to that cloud behind it.

Kyle said...

Looks like you've got some beautiful skies there in West Virginia! Love your blog.


Max-e said...

Great shots Carletta, Nice view from your place

Photo Cache said...

I simply love all of them. Gorgeous colors.

Rose said...

I like that top one best...looks kind of wintry.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clouds and light shot.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: It is nice when the show comes directly to your back door.

bowledover said...

Lovely pictures you have taken.
Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a good week.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a gorgeous day it must have been!

Anne-Berit said...

Nice shots,all tree.Happy Sky Watch.

imac said...

Nice golden skies.

Raven said...

What a beautiful series. I really need to do a sky watch again. I have tons of photos. These are just beautiful... as always.

Anonymous said...

Those are wonderful skies viewed from your deck and porch. Delightful.

Leora said...

Your top one is kind of scary, an excellent photo nonetheless.

Love how you called the bottom one "fairytale".

Dr.John said...

Your skywatch pictures are always great.

JunieRose2005 said...


These are ALL very beautiful skies!


Jane Hards Photography said...

Beautiful views to have at both back and front. The skies palette is always special your way.

Anonymous said...

Lovely - especially the "fairy tale clouds". Very nice post.

Unknown said...

Those are so full of color and wonder.

Jackie said...

Oh my these are stunning Carletta! My you have an incredible view and you got some great shots.

I stopped over to finally get a look at your Sepia Scenes and then found these. So I stopped here first.

My SWF is here!!

I do so hope you get a chance to stop in.

Happy SWF:-)

Now on to your Sepia!!

Olga said...

At first it almost looked like there was fire in the fist picture.

Dawn Fine said...

great the silhouettes...

Neal said...

Beautiful Carletta! I didn't get anything up for sky watch but I still enjoy looking at the pictures.

Mary said...

I love those fairy tale clouds -- so soft and beautiful! Happy SWF. :)

Grammy said...

Awesome photos.
Happy swf

Rottlady of the Ozarks said...

The colors are beautiful! Very nice

Janice Thomson said...

Wow! - a gorgeous sunset Carletta.
Beautiful captures of the event.

Unknown said...

Great clouds. You're right, they're like in a fairy tale.

Mojo said...

Oh Carletta you tease! If the pre-sunset looked like this I can only imagine what the real deal must've been like!

Mary said...

I love the view from the back deck! wonderful!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful Carletta, I love that first shot too but they're all great photos of a beautiful sky.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I love the top photo. The clouds look gilded in amber. Gorgeous photos all!

Happy Sky Watch Friday!
New Mexico, USA

judi/Gmj said...

Just as beautiful as ever. *sigh* still missing the country life.

Suffeli kuvailee said...

have a nice weekend!

Askew To You said...

Oooh, pretty!

Jim said...

Hi Carletta, you have some pretty views from your back and front porches. I'll bet you often have fog and dew, it stays until about 8:30 right now around here.
Thank you for peeking in, I like looking from my porch, at the morning fog and dew too.
Happy SkyWatching!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Love the music with those beautiful fluffy clouds nice shot

Anonymous said...

Interesting sky.

Grammy said...

Thanks for stopping by.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

lovely shots...thanks for sharing with us.

Rose said...

Hi again, just wanted to tell you I gave you an award on my blog.

Dewdrop said...

Carletta, These are terrific sky shots, with the soft pinks and blues, creating a visual paradise! Lovely! Really lovely!

Brad Myers said...

Great colors and good shots.

Louise said...

These are painting material! The second is my favorite because of the color and that fabulous tree, but I have a painting that is similar to the last one. Gorgeous shots!

Becky said...

Pretty, pretty sky shots Carletta. The sky this time of year offers so many gorgeous colors.
Happy SWF.

Ingrid said...

Wow this yellow sky is so strange but beautiful ! I saw a very strange one here this morning but it was to late for this week's Skywatch. I feel much better, the Egyptian pharmacist really gave me very good medication. Of course I had no antibiotics with me. Thanks for your kind thoughts !

Anonymous said...

I like that last sunset in pastel.

Pappy said...

I was looking for that coffee Carletta, but I settle for some nice SWF photos. Stay warm. Pappy

Unknown said...

Gorgeous series of shots, Carletta.

Have a nice weekend.

juliana said...

i'm envious. you don't even have to leave your house and you get to take spectacular photos ;)
love this!

me ann my camera said...

Love your skywatch photos, especially the very beautiful sepia like clouds in the first one!!

Shelly said...

Pretty! Whenever I see these stunning sunsets my camera isn't close by...then I tell myself to sit down and just enjoy the moment ;)

Cindy said...

Beautiful views all the way around- front and back!
My skywatch post is here Hope you can stop by!

Unknown said...

The fairy tale clouds at the bottom look almost like something you'd see in the sisteen chapel, or in a 15th century landscape painting.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful! Thanks for the visit.

Patricia said...

Beautiful sky!
Love all the shots,
Happy Skywatch!!