I've been posting different scenes this week from my visit to the Amish Countryside of Sugarcreek, Ohio. These are some of the farms I saw along the way. This was one of the newer farms in the area. I love the old wagon to the right of the silo.

Windmills dotted the countryside.

We were there at corn harvesting time.

This one is my favorite. I love the peeling red paint, the white silo, the puffy white clouds,the old wire fence and the horse crazing lazily in the pasture. It has all the right elements for a peaceful scene.

We spent the entire day in Sugarcreek. As we headed home the sun was setting beautifully over the countryside.
Be sure to click the Sky Watch at the top of my post to visit others posting their views of the sky from around the world.
All are fabulous...but I think my fav would be the one with the windmill! Looks like a wonderful area to visit! I like places like this....not a lot of hustle and bustle. I'm definitely NOT into hustle and bustle!
beautiful photos and sunset!!
Beautiful and it looks so peaceful.
thanks for sharing this. it is beautiful
My SWF post this week : in HERE or HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks
I love that last one the most;-)
Mine is, HERE.
Beautiful. We were in northern Virginia a couple of weeks ago and we saw a lot of farms like this.
I thought they we all very beautiful and simple.
The Amish sure keep their farms looking great, don't they? Your photos are wonderful.
Happy Sky Watch!
Great series of shots and that last one is a beauty! :-)
Beautiful beautiful. And the last one is truly breathtaking. Congrats.
Each picture is full of grace. It is good for the soul to take in such sceans.
Thank you for sharing.
Carletta I was looking forward seeing your SW this week. They are lovely photos from the country. I love the cornfield already harvested, every thing looks neat and tidy. The red barns are beautiful too. The whole series has something comforting with the blue sky bedded in some white fluffy cushions, it is a little like, at 7AM life is still alright!
These are wonderful shots Carletta. What a pretty part of the country you are showing us.
That sunset is absolutely wonderful...and I do love the other scenes as well...specially the fodder shocks!
Great post, love the farms and cart.
I am fascinated by the Amish and their culture too. Yours is a lovely picture essay of what I imagine is their life. Lovely contribution to SWF.
Lovely pastoral scenes. Thanks.
Beautiful skies... something beautiful about farms and countryside like that. And the sunset is gorgeous.
Lovely set of photos, Carletta!
Have a nice weekend.
Hi again
Yeah, both Santilli and me hade almost the same pictures. What a coinsidence! I was on the left side of the plane and he on the right ;-D
Beautiful collection of photos for Sky Watch Friday, thanks for sharing with us all. It is the best fun when we get guided tours as part of Sky Watch.
Thanks for sharing and your kind comments on my post earlier.
Gorgeous sunset.
Said it before but this a world away form anything I will see here. Fascinating and such a beautiful sunset.
Your fave is my fave. Have you tried in sepia? Great tour you captured in pictures.
Beautiful Carletta. I like all of them. I didn't get around to sky watch this week.
BTW, go here and upload a picture and see what you can do with it.
Ooooh, I love that last one Carletta!! What a beautiful sunset!
Good photos, I guess I take these things for granted sometimes since it is everyday life here.
Lovely photos,all of them!
Beautiful, serene and calming pictures. Makes me want to go visit and maybe stay awhile.
Hi my Friend Carletta
Wonderful photos but I love sunset!
Sunset or sun rise are magic moments of our life!
I feel so!!
Beautiful photos, all of them!
I just love farm pictures and these are so well done.
Aren't they just so clean and perfect! I love the light and dark effect! :)
Good evening Carletta! I'm guessing it's evening where you are. I really love these Amish country shots. The cornstacks are fabulous!!
A beautiful tour of the Amish Farms... a wonderful area. I am always pleased to see your photographs. =)
Mountain Retreat- Canada
Oh, what beautiful countryside! Your favorite is my favorite, too. Love how those clouds hug the landscape! Happy SWF. :)
Hi Carletta, I pick the horse grazing picture as my favorite, followed by the windmill shot.
I was wondering how long it took you to get out of state and thinking probably as long (an hour and a half) as it takes us to get to our Texas beach in Galveston. It takes about least three hours to get out of state from here, to Louisiana.
Happy SkyWatch, I'm doing it again this week (Little Photo Place). Not nearly as pretty as your Ohio sky but I did find sky.
I have a lot of admiration for the Amish. I'm pretty sure I could never live the way they do, but I can certainly see why they choose to. And these photos illustrate the point beautifully.
Great photo's & amazing colors. The last one is so amazing.
I love the windmill!
The color in the last photo is nice, but I love the farm pics.
Carletta: You made some absolutely wonderful captures at Sugarcreek. You made beautiful country scenes that are outstanding.
Wow, just beautiful..every one of them! My favorite is the one with the horse and barn.
I saw similar scenes growing up, but looking at these photos from HAwaii makes them seem far, far away and just a little bit foreign.
You are close to Ohio! We got off the Interstate and followed your river for quite a few miles.
Thank's for getting over to my blog. There wasn't a first post. Mine here was a heads up that I was WW'ing late.
SkyWatching late, that is!
That's good country ... and what not a better season to see it.
Fabulous Amish photos and an excellent sunset. MB
beautiful shots, carletta!
Mine's HERE! Thank you for your comments!
Like them all, great set of pics!
Sugarcreek looks like a nice place to visit. I like the red peeling barn, too.
I love this scenery
Absolutely perfect, in all aspects, Carletta!
Great shots, view and country.
These are fabulous sky watch. love them all.
It's a beautiful trip in the countryside, Carletta. I like very much this sequence of photos.
These are all great photos Carletta, i love that last photo, and its interesting to see how they did the corn husks
I agree, Carletta, Santa BETTER bring a new camera! :)
Beautiful sunset, such golden colors. I love that old peeling red barn too. There is something very special about weathered wood, isn't there...
Thank you for your visit and comments.
Yes the colours are as they were in the sky.
This is the first year that I have been fully aware of the vast range of colour in the skies.
Either my head was in the ground previously, or they are increasing in colour.
Have a good week.
we don't have anything like this amish farm here. great photos, thank you for sharing :)
Wonderful buildings and countryside. Love the last photo. Happy Skywatch!
Lovely farming photos Carletta. I particularly like the stooks in the fiel. I've always been partial to harvest scenes.
I love all your country scenes!Nothing prettier than country things to me!!
Hi Carletta, great shots you've taken here. That is wonderful countryside, and gorgeous photogaphs. Thanks so much for sharing them.
All very lovely! Thanks for sharing. :)
These are great shots. I agree that the barn shot is super and love the sunset as well...and all of them!
I like how clean and neat everything is in these farms. Beautiful photos and closing with the sunset is superb.
Just beautiful!
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