Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sepia Scenes: An Old Gas Station

While on a drive last Saturday this old gas station beckoned from the side of the road. It practically oozed Sepia Scenes. You can see the 'Black Pearl' wasn't about to pull under the crumbling overhang but stopped a few feet short of where a guy probably once pumped your gas for you. A sign on the door showed that at one time a post office occupied the left side of the building.
Looking up at the overhanging eave you can see that it was once covered with clay tiles. The gas pumps once stood near the pole you see. Did you notice the lights on the ceiling?
Don't they look like they should be inside the station?

Click on the badge at the top of my post to join our hostess Mary and view other Sepia Scenes or to sign up and join us in this fun new meme!


MyMaracas said...

Wonderful! That station is a perfect choice for sepia, and I love the way you've photographed it. I can almost see the mechanics coming out to pump the gas, check the oil, pump up the tires, and wash the windshield. (Once upon a time, a "service station" actually provided service.)

judi/Gmj said...

Good one. You find the most interesting locations.

Rose said...

Perfect images for sepia! I just love old buildings of any kind.

Jan said...

Great series, I especially like the center one.

Annie Jeffries said...

I love this building. What a treat it would be to restore it and reinvent its use.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised -- and pleased -- that no one has vandalized those lights. This building needs someone to love it and bring it back to life.

Anonymous said...

The old gas station would look pretty spooky in the night from my imagination.. looks good in sepia :)

Happy Halloween!!

Anonymous said...

I'm agreed with guilly...
no one has vandalized the must be a good neighborhood over there.

Anonymous said...

What lovely scene!! you have a trained eye to spot interesting places/items to photograph.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots. We really seem to have traveled back in time.

Ingrid said...

That really looks like an old picture !

Leora said...

The crackling white paint creates such an atmosphere for the scenes. One can imagine how vibrant it once was.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Great sepia scenes, Carletta.
Sometimes I wish I could get a glimpse of how things were then. Or atleast a picture with people mingling.

Robin said...

What a charming find, and it fits perfectly into sepia.

Janice Thomson said...

Excellent choice for sepia. These are beautiful nostalgic images.

George Townboy said...

Great post, Carletta!

You know about all the Memes!

Anonymous said...

Neat photos. I was pleased to see that it had been a post office too. That must have been a shot in the arm to the station as it brought people there to collect their mail.

I am doing something different on my Gordon, Ohio blog. I set out to photograph and describe every house in the village where I was born.

Gordon, Ohio

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta,
What a great old gas station. Perfect for Sepia!! Have a great day..

Dr.John said...

I love sepia prints. They make you feel like it was long ago0. The station looks just like the model Betty and I built for our garden railroad.

Dianne said...

"oozing sepia" I like that

I love old places, even the peeling paint is lovely

great shots

Sherrie said...

Those are great Sepia Shots! The gas station looks really old! Thanks for stopping by my place. Take Care!!


juliana said...

catching up again...

sepia fits so well to this old gas station... there's something appealing in old derelict buildings and your photos show that well

Kahshe Cottager said...

Great location for Sepia Scenes indeed! How nice that the station is still standing and not vandalized. I really enjoyed your photos!

Jientje said...

Old buildings are perfect for Sepia Scenes, and this one looks like it's from an old movie or something, I love the chipped paint, it adds even more to the drama!

marLou said...

Perfect for sepia! Where do you find these places? Pretty neat!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome photos, Carletta! I feel like I'm looking through an old scrapbook and I want to turn the page to see more! Old buildings are so fascinating.

Mojo said...

Perfect choice! And well rendered too. Masterful job!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A great subject for sepia treatment! Love the close up detail of peeling paint too!

maryt/theteach said...

Marvelous shots, Carletta! Looks like a shot from long ago! Thanks for participating in Sepia Scenes! :)

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Because of the color you would think they were antique photos. Love it! My fave is the one of the light fixture with the peeling paint on the ceiling. Awesome shot!! :-)

Raven said...

Neat old building. Really does led itself perfectly to sepia tones. Great job as always.

Cindy said...

That reminds me of an old station like that in the town I grew up in. I don't ever remember when it was actually a working gas station though.
Thanks for stopping by!

Askew To You said...

Great choice for Sepia Scenes. You know, I think I like the close-up of the peeling paint best. Very cool. :D

Happy Halloween!

Kerri Farley said...

These are fabulous! They make perfect sepia shots!! I need to learn more about this meme....and maybe go on a photo hunt for some sepia scenes!